Paranoid Pentagon and DOE reclassifying old public documents as “Secret”

America is re-classifying information about its nuclear arsenal, much of it decades old, that has been in the public domain for several years.

Our best military minds at work!

America is re-classifying information about its nuclear arsenal, much of it decades old, that has been in the public domain for several years.

Researchers at the National Security Archive, an independent library that belongs to The George Washington University, found that officials from the Pentagon and US Department of Energy have been trawling through reports that have been released to the public and deleting numbers of missiles, despite some of the statistics being decades old.

Dr William Burr, a senior analyst at the archive, said that figures released in the 1960s and 1970s, including some in annual reports published the Secretary of Defence, had been re-designated as secret.

A…report published by the National Security Archive in March, for instance, found that a faulty CIA intelligence estimate published 12 days before the Chinese army entered North Korea in 1950 was re-designated as secret in 2001, despite being written about by historians for years.

The National Security Archive estimated that the Department of Energy has spent $22 million re-classifying the nuclear information, reviewing around 200 million pages of released documents and removing 6,640 from the public record, at a cost of more than $3,300 per page.

Your taxpayer dollars at work!

Posted: Tue - August 22, 2006 at 06:25 AM