83-year-old Canadian proves your doctor can get you busted for terrorism!

An 83-year-old Canadian man, who had received a radioactive dye for diagnosis of a heart condition, set off radiation detectors at the U.S.-Canadian border.

CAUTION — Elderly terrorist crossing

An 83-year-old Canadian man, who had received a radioactive dye for diagnosis of a heart condition, set off radiation detectors at the U.S.-Canadian border.

The Vancouver Sun reported on Aug. 16 that border guards stopped 83-year-old Stanley Smith at the Peace Arch crossing on August 11. Smith wanted to visit a casino in Ferndale, Wash., but the dye set off alarms during a routine security screening.

Smith was quickly surrounded by heavily armed security guards and questioned. They took his passport and his medical documents.

Smith said that the U.S. customs agents accused him of potentially trying to make a bomb. After half an hour of intense questioning the authorities finally accepted Smith’s explanation that he had undergone an injection of radioactive material the previous day.

Smith said, “It was a nightmare, believe me. “All I heard was buzz, buzz, buzz, and I thought, ‘What in the hell is that for?’ I had no idea I was radioactive. I got the injection in the hospital, but I didn’t know what it was … There must be a lot of people who get these injections, and don’t know. Today’s security is so tough. And those security people, they have no sense of humor whatsoever.”

At least we know the machines work on heart patients.

Posted: Mon - August 21, 2006 at 06:43 AM