Border Agents Assigned to ‘Nanny Patrol’ National Guard

National Guard troops deployed along the U.S.-Mexico border as part of President Bush’s plan to free U.S. Border Patrol agents have been assigned bodyguards — some of the same agents the soldiers were sent to relieve.

National Guard troops deployed along the U.S.-Mexico border as part of President Bush’s plan to free U.S. Border Patrol agents have been assigned bodyguards — some of the same agents the soldiers were sent to relieve.

Several veteran Border Patrol agents in Arizona told The Washington Times they were issued standing orders to be within five minutes of National Guard troops along the border and that Border Patrol units were pulled from other regions to protect the Guard units — leaving their own areas short-handed.

The agents, who refer to the assignment as “the nanny patrol,” said most of the Guard troops are not allowed to carry loaded weapons, despite a significant increase in border violence directed at Border Patrol agents and other law-enforcement personnel over the past year.

National Guard sent to guard the border as “administrators” are mostly unarmed. So, the Border Patrol has to protect them instead of the border.

How much campaign rhetoric bait-and-switch are we supposed to accept instead of real solutions for illegal entry?

Posted: Fri - August 18, 2006 at 07:04 AM