“To understand and protect our home planet” — no longer!

NASA has eliminated the promise “to understand and protect our home planet“ from its mission statement.

NASA has reportedly eliminated the promise “to understand and protect our home planet“ from its mission statement.

That statement was repeatedly cited last winter by NASA climate scientist James Hansen, who said he was being threatened by political appointees for speaking about the dangers posed by greenhouse gas emissions.

But NASA officials told The New York Times the elimination of the phrase that was used by Hansen was “pure coincidence.”

Hansen told The Times: “They’re making it clear that they … prefer that NASA work on something that’s not causing them a problem.”

You’d think the Klowns in Washington would prefer to work on problems that were rooted in something other than political tomfoolery and Dark Ages mythology. I guess ignoring real problems is the way to go.

Posted: Tue - July 25, 2006 at 10:19 AM