You’ll be able to buy an MG built in Oklahoma — by a Chinese company!

Nanjing Automobile Group, which purchased the assets of the bankrupt MG Rover Group last year, announced on Wednesday it would build MG-brand cars in Oklahoma. This will make it the first Chinese automaker to assemble vehicles in the United States.

Nanjing Automobile Group, which purchased the assets of the bankrupt MG Rover Group last year, announced on Wednesday it would build MG-brand cars in Oklahoma. This will make it the first Chinese automaker to assemble vehicles in the United States.

The Construction of Nanjing’s Oklahoma plant in Ardmore is scheduled to begin early next year, with production projected to start by late 2008, according to the company.

Duke Hale noted that MG Motors planned to offer a full range of sports cars and sedans. The Oklahoma plant will produce a newly designed TF Coupe, while three sedans would be built at Nanjing’s facilities in China, and the MG TF roadster would be built at the factory in Longbridge.

Hale said his company had chosen Ardmore, Oklahoma, because of its excellent location as a distribution center.

“It has rail access, the city’s airpark has the ability to handle large aircraft, and Houston can be used as a port…”

This isn’t intended to be anything more than an entry to US production. Fully ramped-up, it will bring about 550 jobs to OK. Still, it’s interesting to see the Chinese bringing jobs to the US.

Posted: Thu - July 13, 2006 at 06:17 AM