Man shot by London police demands apology

The man shot in the east London terror raid described today how a police officer fired at him from close range without identifying himself first.

We all saw this on network TV over a week ago. 250 of London’s finest raiding a WMD factory in London’s Forest Gate community. They shot one of the “terrorist” suspects and saved Western Civilization.

A few days later, as legitimate reporting began to replace official press releases, we posted an article from the GUARDIAN listing concerns over police procedures. Follow-up articles in the British press affirmed a police screw-up. Mostly focused on MI5 and the Metro Police apologizing to the community at large.

The man shot in the east London terror raid described today how a police officer fired at him from close range without identifying himself first.

Speaking quietly and haltingly, at times having to stop because he was overcome by emotion, Mr Kahar said he had been shot from a distance of “two to three feet” by a man at the bottom of the stairs.

He said the bullet passed through the right-hand upper part of his chest and exited through his shoulder.

Mr Kahar was insistent that the gunshot was not a mistake. “He [the policeman] looked at me straight away and shot. We had eye contact and he shot me straight away.”

He stressed that the man did not identify himself as a policeman. “He was saying ‘Just shut the fuck up, stay there, stay there’.”

Mr Kahar said he was dragged out of the house and dropped on to the pavement before being given a tissue to put against his wound.

“At that time I knew it was the police as I saw a police van outside the house. I heard them bring my mum out. She was screaming and crying.”

Under persistent questioning from reporters as to whether he supported militant Muslim groups, Mr Kahar described himself as an ordinary Briton who loved his country. He said he worked up to 60 hours a week at the Royal Mail and Tesco: “I just want to work and keep my family, support my mum and dad”.

He insisted he had no idea why police had targeted his family home.

“I believe the only crime I had done in their eyes was being Asian with a long beard.”

Politicians continue with non-denial denials. American media continues to ignore the rest of the story.

Yes — he was released without being charged with any crime.

Posted: Tue - June 13, 2006 at 10:11 AM