Rumsfeld starts shutting down Drug War — moving resources to Iraq.

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld wants to end U.S. Army helicopter support for a joint U.S.-Bahamas drug-interdiction program that over the past two decades has resulted in hundreds of arrests and the seizure of tons of cocaine and marijuana.

He needs the hardware and warm bodies for his war in Iraq.

Bahamas police with US Soldiers

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld wants to end U.S. Army helicopter support for a joint U.S.-Bahamas drug-interdiction program that over the past two decades has resulted in hundreds of arrests and the seizure of tons of cocaine and marijuana.

But in a May 15 letter to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, Rumsfeld said it was time after more than 20 years to shift the equipment elsewhere. The military is being stretched thin by the fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan and other commitments around the globe.

The letter asks Gonzales to help identify “a more appropriate agency” to provide the air support. Rumsfeld said he wants to complete the military pullout from the program by Oct. 1, 2007.

The “War on Drugs” is almost as much crappola as the “War on Terror” — especially when it comes to intelligent strategic decisions. Just another illustration that the White House brain trust is short on brains and not worth trusting.

Posted: Thu - June 8, 2006 at 06:40 AM