British outrage over release of criminal illegal aliens!

Home Secretary Charles Clarke faced calls to quit after admitting that more than 1,000 foreign criminals, including murderers and rapists, were set free in Britain instead of being deported.

Home Secretary Charles Clarke faced calls to quit after admitting that more than 1,000 foreign criminals, including murderers and rapists, were set free in Britain instead of being deported.

Newspapers expressed outrage and disbelief at the fiasco, the latest to hit a member of Prime Minister Tony Blair’s government in recent months.

The interior minister revealed Tuesday that between February 1999 and March 2006, 1,023 convicted foreigners who should have been considered for deportation after leaving jail were released with no further action taken.

More than 900 of these people are still unaccounted for and Clarke said the whereabouts of most were unknown.

Three murderers, nine rapists, five child molesters and 20 drug smugglers are among the freed prisoners.

Well, if he’s fired — and he should be — he can always get a job with Homeland Insecurity over here.

Posted: Wed - April 26, 2006 at 06:37 AM