Nationwide porn filter proposed for Australia

What are they doing down there that we aren't?

Australian ISPs would have to filter out all pornographic websites if the Australian Labor Party is returned to power, according to a proposal floated by the main opposition party in that country. Calling it a “clean feed” system, ISPs under a Labor government would be forced to provide guaranteed pornography-free service to all households and schools, as well as any other ‘Net access point that can be used by kids. Those wanting access to porn would still be able to opt in under Labor’s plan.

Currently, all Australian ISPs are required to offer filtering software to their customers at a reduced price, but the Labor Party believes that the lack of computer literacy on the part of some parents limits the effectiveness of such solutions. According to the party’s figures, up to two-thirds of parents don’t bother to use filters on their computers.

People don’t agree with the pressure groups trying to manage access; so, the government will legislate taste on their behalf. It’s all as stupid as the V-chip — the most ignored piece of silicon in the United States.

Posted: Wed - March 22, 2006 at 05:38 AM