Who says FBI agents need email?

Homeland Insecurity says FBI agents really don't need email. And it's too expensive.

Budget constraints are forcing some local Federal Bureau of Investigation agents to operate without e-mail accounts, according to the agency’s top official in New York.

“As ridiculous as this might sound, we have real money issues right now, and the government is reluctant to give all agents and analysts dot-gov accounts,” Mark Mershon said when asked about the gap at a New York Daily News editorial board meeting.

The patent leather pundits in Washington are now trying to impress us with their frugality — while they continue to pour billion$ down the Middle Eastern drain..

Spokeswoman Cathy Milhoan said e-mail addresses are still being assigned, adding that the city bureau’s 2,000 employees would all have accounts by the end of the year.

Anyone in the NSA need new hardware?

Posted: Tue - March 21, 2006 at 07:27 AM