Bush gives religious charities $2.15 billion in federal grants

Bush does "God's Work" with taxpayer dollars

The Bush administration channelled $2.15 billion to faith-based charities last year, advancing its mission to increase the share of government aid money given to religious organisations.

The figure, contained in a White House report unveiled on Thursday, does not account for all of the grants awarded by an administration determined to increase the involvement of churches and religious organisations in social services provision.

The revelation deepened concerns among aid professionals and civil liberty groups about the quality of services offered by some of the religious groups - especially at a time when funds for social programmes are being cut. There are also charges that the Bush administration is underwriting proselytising campaigns by the Christian right.

In the five years that George Bush has been in the White House, 11 government agencies have set up religious offices, ostensibly to help coordinate the provision of social services by faith-based organisations. This week, the president established one in the department of homeland security.

Separation of Church and State means nothing to reactionaries who don’t see the difference.

Posted: Sat - March 11, 2006 at 08:15 AM