Bush makes stage-managed visit to alternative energy research lab

Interfering with political pork -- to make his alternative energy snowjob sound real -- Bush visits a lab, today, where dollars had to be rushed in over the weekend to fund enough employees to show up and applaud!

With President Bush slated to tour the National Renewable Energy Lab today, environmentalists and local politicians say it’s time for the administration to stop talking and start supporting renewable energy.

Joining the chorus were some employees of Golden-based NREL who were laid off two weeks ago because of budget cuts and reinstated Sunday.
The lab’s budget dropped $22.5 million this year and was set to fall another $11 million next year. Two weeks ago, 32 people were laid off as $28 million was diverted from the lab for various energy-related projects earmarked by members of Congress.

Bush’s visit comes on the heels of news that $5 million had been transferred to the lab’s budget this weekend to help fund the 32 positions that had been cut.

The hypocrites running our government will probably take the money away, again — after the photo op goes away.

Posted: Tue - February 21, 2006 at 07:37 AM