Louisiana rebuilding plan unveiled

The New Orleans botch continues unabated.

Gov. Kathleen Blanco outlined a $7.5 billion rebuilding, relocation and buyout plan Monday for thousands of residents whose homes remain damaged or destroyed after last year’s hurricanes.

It is Louisiana’s first comprehensive housing proposal since Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast in August, followed a month later by Hurricane Rita.

The draft faces scrutiny from local officials, state lawmakers and the affected residents; and it depends in large part on federal dollars awaiting congressional approval.

Any plans for spending the federal aid that Louisiana already has received — and any additional housing money appropriated by Congress — would require approval from the state Legislature and federal officials.

So, we have a couple of tiers of politicians deciding between virtue and assistance — or what their advisors tell them is the best campaign strategy for re-election.

Posted: Tue - February 21, 2006 at 06:17 AM