Wal-Mart forced to stock morning-after pill

The state pharmacy board ordered Wal-Mart on Tuesday to stock emergency contraception pills at its stores in Massachusetts.

"Politically-correct" Wal-Mart customers

The state pharmacy board ordered Wal-Mart on Tuesday to stock emergency contraception pills at its stores in Massachusetts.

Massachusetts becomes the second state to require the world’s largest retailer to carry the morning-after pill.

A Wal-Mart spokesman said the company would comply with the directive by the Massachusetts Board of Pharmacy and is reviewing its nationwide policy on the drug.

“Clearly women’s health is a high priority for Wal-Mart,” spokesman Dan Fogleman said. “We are actively thinking through the issue.”

Wal-Mart now carries the pill only in Illinois, where it is required to do so under state law. The company has said it “chooses not to carry many products for business reasons,” but has refused to elaborate.

“Business reasons” my butt. Like a few other gutless wonders of American business, Wal-Mart has been caving into threats from the religious wingy-dingys who consider contraception a sin. The only sin here is corporate cowardice.

Posted: Wed - February 15, 2006 at 07:19 AM