Nuns' Account Frozen By Patriot Act

Nuns of Holy Name Monastery say "ridiculous" Patriot Act scrutiny led their bank to freeze the St. Leo, Fla., religious order's main account.

Nuns of Holy Name Monastery say “ridiculous” Patriot Act scrutiny led their bank to freeze the St. Leo, Fla., religious order’s main account.

“If it happened to us, it can happen to anybody,” she told the Tampa (Fla.) Tribune. “I think people need to know that nobody is safe from, in some cases, really ridiculous scrutiny.”

The order said its account was frozen without explanation or notification for a week in November, causing checks to bounce and taking three months to straighten out.

Abbott said she was told the trouble began because an 80-year-old nun, a signatory on the account, did not have her Social Security number or photo identification on file.

“Clearly an international spy,” Abbott wryly told the newspaper.

It never ends. People whose lives are ruled by fear pass laws trying to govern everything from opinion to bill pay.

Posted: Thu - February 9, 2006 at 06:17 AM