Bush authorized NSA domestic wiretaps

President George W. Bush said that he had authorized the use of wiretaps on US and foreign citizens in the United States

President George W. Bush said that he had authorized the use of wiretaps on US and foreign citizens in the United States, calling the practice crucial to the “war on terror.”

The admission came in an unusual live televised broadcast of his weekly radio address, in which Bush confirmed a report that he had authorized eavesdropping on overseas communications by people living in the United States who are suspected of terrorist activities.

Bush…noted that he had personally reauthorized the program more than 30 times since September 11…

Is it time to start reminding folks of that great quote from Huey Long? “When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the American flag.”

The division among conservatives between those who support a constitutional republican democracy — and those who are secure being “good Germans” — grows deeper every week. Let them fight it out amongst themselves. My personal contempt is reserved for management of the NY TIMES who prate about what news is fit to print — and spent a year kissing Bush’s butt before the stink got bad enough to force them to print the story.

Posted: Sun - December 18, 2005 at 07:51 AM