Billboards paint the town pink

Gay Britons are registering for civil unions after new legislation went into effect last week. Not far from Parliament, a giant poster has gone up aiming to help gay men find partners - and break some taboos.

Gay Britons are registering for civil unions after new legislation went into effect last week. Not far from Parliament, a giant poster has gone up aiming to help gay men find partners - and break some taboos.

The ad is for PinkSpeedDating, which bills itself as London's "first speed-dating experience run by the gay community for the gay community."

"Speed dating" gained popularity a few years ago in urban areas of the United States, Britain and other countries as single young people gathered in bars for brief "dates" with a variety of prospects. At the end of the night, attendees decide whom they might like to see again, and the dating service matches up pairs whose attraction was mutual.

It's pleasant to see a society with the integrity to normalize the same pursuits that drive everyone else nuts! I hope the US gets that far before this century is over.

Posted: Wed - December 14, 2005 at 11:29 AM