Virgin Galactic picks NM space launch pad

British entrepreneur Richard Branson has chosen New Mexico for the launch pad of his planned space tourism flights, state officials said Thursday.

British entrepreneur Richard Branson has chosen New Mexico for the launch pad of his planned space tourism flights, state officials said Thursday.

Details of the agreement are scheduled to be unveiled in New Mexico on December 14 when Branson will fly in for a news conference, Economic Development Secretary Rick Homans said.

"We are very excited to announce our partnership with Virgin Galactic next week. It has been a dream in New Mexico for 15 years to build a spaceport and Richard Branson has a dream to take people into space and together we will make that happen," he said.

Branson's Virgin Galactic, the first company to develop commercial flights to space, expects to launch its first space flight in 2008.

Bigger than Roswell!


According to a following press conference, 38,000 have now signed up and paid deposits. Including 100 "founders" who slapped down full price as deposit. That gets them to the head of the line.

Posted: Thu - December 8, 2005 at 05:04 PM