If you believed what the White House said about "no secret jails" in Eastern Europe -- think, again.

Condoleezza Rice began her tour of Europe yesterday with a rare public admission that the US had made "mistakes" in the war on terror.

And the CIA closes some not-so-secret prisons.

Speaking after a meeting with Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, Ms Rice again insisted that the US did not “condone” torture. “It is against US law,” she said. But she appeared to concede for the first time that the Bush administration’s uncompromising policy of “rendition” against terrorist suspects had sometimes gone wrong….”We recognise that any policy will sometimes result in errors,” the US secretary of state said. She added: “When this happens we will do everything we can to rectify it.”
There were also new and embarrassing revelations yesterday that the CIA had closed down its secret jails in eastern Europe after their existence was revealed early last month by the Washington Post. According to ABC, citing CIA officials, the prisons believed to be in Poland and Romania were shut last month.

The 11 al-Qaida suspects held there were flown to north Africa before Ms Rice’s trip, the network said.

It’s exciting to see the Free Press begin to act like it’s really free!

Posted: Tue - December 6, 2005 at 09:39 PM