U.S. not 'well-prepared' for terrorism

The former chairman and vice-chairman of the 9/11 commission warned Sunday that the nation is ill-prepared for another terrorist attack.

Tom Kean, the Republican chairman of the [9/11] committee, told NBC's "Meet the Press" that enacting the changes is "not a priority for the government right now.

"A lot of the things we need to do really to prevent another 9/11 just simply aren't being done by the president or by the Congress.

"What we're concerned about now is that these recommendations -- four years, more than four years after 9/11, are still not being done. People are not paying attention to them."
"It really approaches scandal to think that, four years after 9/11, the police and the fire cannot talk to one another at the scene of the disaster," said Hamilton.

"They could not do it on 9/11, and as a result of that, lives were lost. They could not do it at Katrina. They still cannot do it."

They shouldn’t be so tough on the government. After all, they did spend money on air-conditioning garbage trucks and body armor -- for dogs.

Posted: Mon - December 5, 2005 at 06:45 AM