Mexican 'FBI' investigates 1,500 agents

Mexico created an elite force of federal agents modeled on the FBI four years ago, but now one in five members of the agency is under investigation for committing crimes, the attorney general's office said on Sunday.

Elite police force chief, Heberto Yoc Hermandez, was arrested Friday.

Mexico created an elite force of federal agents modeled on the FBI four years ago, but now one in five members of the agency is under investigation for committing crimes, the attorney general's office said on Sunday.

In a report obtained by Reuters, the attorney general's office said 1,493 members of the Federal Investigation Agency, or AFI, are under investigation "for probably committing crimes," and 457 of those currently face prosecution.
Eight agents were arrested in August after investigators got hold of a copy of the homemade DVD showing four battered and bloody men confessing to being members of the Gulf cartel of drug traffickers. One of them was then shot in the head.

Authorities say the federal agents charged were in the pay of a rival gang led by Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, who is battling the Gulf cartel for control of lucrative drug routes along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Read the whole article -- and reflect on how much support border security receives from an “elite force of federal agents”.

Posted: Sun - December 4, 2005 at 09:50 PM