Pentagon Increases Spying On US Citizens

The US Defense Department is expanding domestic intelligence collection in ways that could allow it so circumvent barriers to military spying on US citizens, the Washington Post reported Sunday.

The US Defense Department is expanding domestic intelligence collection in ways that could allow it so circumvent barriers to military spying on US citizens, the Washington Post reported Sunday.

Formerly focused on protecting its US bases and military operations, Pentagon intelligence collection inside the United States has already expanded to cover broader terrorist threats to the country, the Post said.
"We are deputizing the military to spy on law-abiding Americans in America. This is a huge leap without even a (congressional) hearing," Senator Ron Wyden told the daily.

According to the Post, the White House is now considering expanding a secret Pentagon security agency into one which could investigate a range of domestic crimes, for which the government has used the FBI in the past.

The little-known Counterintelligence Field Activity has a secret budget but is believed to already have 1,000 people on its staff, the paper said.

What happens if some of the collaborators in Congress get bounced from office? I know of at least one class action suit against illegal spying that was turned up [and eventually won] because of a local election. Can it happen on a national scale?

Posted: Mon - November 28, 2005 at 09:13 AM