Ethanol Fuelling The Future For Public Transport in Sweden

Cities choking in petrol and diesel fumes should follow Sweden's example and look to ethanol to fuel their buses.

Cities choking in petrol and diesel fumes should follow Sweden's example and look to ethanol to fuel their buses, experts at a conference in Stockholm on environmentally-friendly vehicles and fuels said on Thursday.

"Ethanol today clearly has the biggest potential for clean buses," said Jonas Stroemberg of Stockholm Transport, SL, which runs public transportation throughout the county of Stockholm.
Sweden today has the world's largest ethanol bus fleet. Last year, 253 buses ran on ethanol, an alcohol made of wheat, beetroot, corn or sugar cane, and next year the number is expected to jump to 400.
By next year, Stockholm expects 25 percent of its buses to run on renewable fuels. By 2011, the number should be 50 percent, and by 2030 the county hopes that 100 percent of its buses will run on renewable fuels.

Fueling on ethanol could also help Sweden shake off its dependency on foreign oil.

Gee. This is so very difficult to do here in the USA, Right?

Posted: Sat - November 19, 2005 at 02:11 PM