Lapdog starts losing!

Tony Blair's government tonight suffered its first ever defeat since coming to power, as MPs voted down proposals to allow police to hold terrorist suspects for 90 days without charge.

Tony Blair's government tonight suffered its first ever defeat since coming to power, as MPs voted down proposals to allow police to hold terrorist suspects for 90 days without charge.

Despite last-minute appeals from the prime minister, and the return from overseas visits by both Gordon Brown and Jack Straw in order to vote, the government was defeated on the issue by 322 votes to 291, a larger than expected margin of 31.
According to parliament's division list, 49 Labour MPs rebelled against the government.

Mr Blair left the chamber shaking his head. He later told Sky News he would not be quitting and rejected accusations he was now "a lame duck".

He added: "People will believe parliament was deeply irresponsible."

The Conservative leader, Michael Howard, said the result left Mr Blair "seriously weakened" and called on him to "consider his position".

He added: "The prime minister has shown he no longer carries his party with him - and that is not good for the country."

The lapdog starts to lose -- and over the issue of civil liberties at that.

Posted: Wed - November 9, 2005 at 12:21 PM