U.S. likely to stay in Iraq after Bush

Continuing violence and instability are likely to force U.S. President George W. Bush's successor to keep large numbers of troops in Iraq, despite recent political progress, a leading military think thank said Tuesday.

Patrick Cronin, director of studies at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, said many U.S. troops would probably have to remain in Iraq until well after the U.S. presidential elections in 2008.

"We're likely to see continued bloodshed and instability inside Iraq," Cronin said a news conference during which the institute issued its annual report on the world's military forces.

"This is a long-term proposition, and I would expect the next U.S. administration to have forces inside Iraq at a fairly large number for some years to come."

Cronin gave no figures on the force levels he thought likely.

While the high turnout for Iraq's constitutional referendum was encouraging, U.S. efforts to train Iraqi forces to take over security duties are moving slowly, the institute said.

Anyone think this won’t be an issue in the 2008 elections? That is -- if the Democrats get up on their hind legs.

Posted: Tue - October 25, 2005 at 07:53 AM