Reporter freed after agreeing to testify

A New York Times reporter was released Thursday from a federal jail in Virginia after serving almost three months on contempt charges for refusing to reveal a source to a grand jury, a source with knowledge of the case said.

Judith Miller's release came after she received "a personal and voluntary waiver directly from her source encouraging her to provide evidence" in the case, the source said.

Miller reached an agreement with the special prosecutor handling the case, Patrick Fitzgerald, on the scope of her testimony, the source said. It was unclear when she might might testify before the grand jury.

Fitzgerald is investigating the revelation of CIA operative Valerie Plame's identity, which was published by syndicated columnist and CNN contributor Robert Novak in July 2003.

Novak's column came days after Plame's husband, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, publicly questioned part of President Bush's justification for invading Iraq.

The Philadelphia Inquirer [subscription] says she will name Lewis Libby, Vice President Cheney's chief of staff, as her source for the leak. He violated federal law. Anyone taking bets on whether or not he’s indicted?

Posted: Thu - September 29, 2005 at 07:28 PM