Mass. Lawmakers Override Contraception Veto

The state Legislature voted Thursday to override the governor's veto of a measure that will expand access to emergency contraception by requiring hospital emergency room doctors to offer the medication to rape victims.

The state Legislature voted Thursday to override the governor's veto of a measure that will expand access to emergency contraception by requiring hospital emergency room doctors to offer the medication to rape victims.

The measure, which Gov. Mitt Romney vetoed in July, will also make the medication available without a prescription from pharmacies. A provision that exempted Catholic hospitals was eventually dropped from the legislation.

The Senate voted unanimously 37-0 to override the veto. In the House, the vote was 139-16 to override, far more than the two-thirds needed.
“Rape survivors will now receive the standard of care they deserve at any hospital emergency room,” said Melissa Kogut, executive director of NARAL Pro-Choice Massachusetts. “Women will have access to emergency contraception sooner, when it is most effective.”
In defending his veto, Romney said the medication, known as the ``morning after pill,'' is already widely available without a mandate from the state. The Republican governor said he was concerned that the hormone regimen could abort a fertilized egg.

"Signing the bill, he said, would violate a campaign pledge he made not to change the state's abortion laws. It could also alienate crucial anti-abortion activists as Romney weighs run for president in 2008.

Here in New Mexico, we have a governor who wants to run for president in 2008. He won't say it out loud -- yet; but, we know it, everyone knows it. At least he's a bit more subtle than Romney.

Posted: Thu - September 15, 2005 at 09:19 PM