New Mexico makes it into the Top Ten

We always joke about NM being at the bottom of any list. We’re up there with New York, California and Florida -- on the list counting the ratio of lobbyists to legislators!

Here we are in 9th place -- with 848 registered lobbyists for 112 legislators. Right up there with New York, California and Florida.

The annual study from the Center for Public Integrity is offered for obvious reasons. Lobbyists have a disproportionate effect on legislation in our nation and state. In some ways, the success rate of the job category accounts for their continued expansion. Perish the thought that the Roundhouse politicos should give more than lip service to the electorate.

So, how does the state help us to track the activities of lobbyists? Well, not too well. On a scale of 1-100, a number of tracking qualities and measurements was developed to define lobbying and legislatures. 60 is barely a passing grade. New Mexico gets 58.

Some of the data I went looking for -- doesn’t exist. For example, there is no number forthcoming from the Secretary of State’s office telling us the sum spent by lobbyists on their target legislators. Unlike most states, this information isn’t deemed necessary in New Mexico.

The CPI tracks loopholes in state laws regulating lobbyists. Aside from the obvious screw-ups, like not even requiring a photo to be submitted with registration -- so, who really knows who shows up to lobby -- there are some other doozies.

Lobbyists spending reports are NOT required to list:

- what bill numbers or subject matter they’re lobbying
- their salary
- amount of spending on household members of legislators
- direct business associations with public officials, candidates or members of their households

There sure ain’t nothing like integrity in government -- is there?

Posted: Thu - August 11, 2005 at 06:52 AM