India and Pakistan Cooperate -- with Iran

Nation after nation around the world is learning how to cooperate. Whether the White House approves or not!

Close on the heels of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh voicing concern over the security risks involved in the Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline, Minister for Petroleum Mani Shankar Aiyar said on Saturday that the country's deal with the U.S. on nuclear energy was not a "quid pro quo" for abandoning the $ 7.4-billion pipeline project.

Asked if India had agreed to ground the pipeline project for import of Iranian natural gas so as to obtain nuclear fuel and technology from the U.S. for power generation, Mr. Aiyar quipped: "I don't think there is any connection between the two."

Are any American voters reading anything, learning anything -- understanding what the world thinks of our government and "our" policies?

Subir Raha , the government-appointed head of India's biggest oil company, said the U.S. would be ``stupid'' to attack Iran and risk imposing record oil prices on the global economy....

``You launch one more attack and you can't even guess where the speculation will go,'' Raha said. ``With the stalemate in Afghanistan, stalemate in Iraq and elsewhere, you already have a price of $55 a barrel.''

``I see no reason why India's priorities should be subservient to U.S. priorities,'' said Raha, who has worked for state-run oil companies for the past 35 years. ``The U.S. is chasing oil and gas as badly as China or India or anybody else.''

Only most nations aren't invading each other to get the goodies.

Posted: Tue - July 26, 2005 at 10:15 AM