Goodbye, NWIThe last 24/7 competent journalism
available on American TV -- is taken off the air.
![]() Most reasonable folks bemoan the abysmal state of journalism in the United States. While there exists the odd pocket of excellence in local/regional print media, they are isolated from mainstream media, distinct and separate from mass, national consumption. When I refer to “TV Talking Heads”, everyone knows exactly what I mean and probably has a favorite parrot in mind. In another week, we will be further diminished. NWI-TV will be leaving the air after 11 years of old-fashioned, professional news broadcasting on an international scale. Their franchise, bought out by Al Gore and a few friends -- will become what sounds like MTV Reality News. The 18-34 rock’n roll demographic is who this news is to entertain. But, this isn’t about what Al Gore wants to construct . It’s about what we’re losing. CNN and collateral flavors of the Time-Warner empire have dumbed down every facet of news gathered under their entertainment umbrella. The only other 24/7 news sources at hand are MSNBC, which changes clown hats on a weekly basis -- depending on the ratings -- and Fox News, which, even for reactionaries who get their rocks off over having their own ideological Wal-Mart, hasn’t a clue what to do about news outside the continental United States whenever they can’t find a handy Murdoch Source [like Sky News] to feed them their lines. What do the communications services of America think about this? How about -- “there are already too many news and information channels” and “there's no market for another international service”. Sorry, folks. But, “no market” just says “no courage” to me. “Too many channels”? Most of these warmed-over Telco tramps have more shopping networks than news channels. Posted: Sun - July 24, 2005 at 03:08 PM |