Blair and his Bush buddy

Blair and Bush deserve each other. But, we don't.

The Royal Institute for International Affairs released their report on Security, Terrorism and the UK , July 18th. Specifics aside, this august body analyzed facts without spin, history without political conceits and deceits, and came to conclusions just about anyone with a clear conscience would have predicted. Blair’s ride down the Yellow Brick Road of history on George W. Bush’s two-wheeler has guaranteed the world a greater quantity of death, turmoil and destruction than would have resulted from educated, reflective leadership. Especially, absent the crusade mentality as beloved of Christians as non-infidels.

The document is an 8-page .pdf. This includes a segment on Northern Ireland and also an interesting segment on the role of fear in elections and electoral campaigns.

Posted: Tue - July 19, 2005 at 01:21 PM