Basic Modem Walkthrough Lab

Lab Overview
Endpoint Definition
Sending and Receiving
Other Things To Try...
Where To Go From Here...

In this lab we will walk through the Newton DTS sample code Basic Modem. It provides a straightforward implementation of code to connect a Newton to a remote device using a modem and then allows strings to be sent back and forth between the devices. In a real application this would only be the beginning, an additional protocol to talk to a service such as a bulletin board system or a packet-based mail system would probably have to be added but Basic Modem has the fundamental code on which such a system could be built.

It is assumed that you have a basic knowledge of endpoint programming. If not you may wish to read the Endpoint Details article before trying this walkthrough or at least the Endpoint section of one of the overview articles: Newton 2.0 Communications Overview or 1.x To 2.0 Communications. If you are unfamiliar with telecommunications programming in general you may want to review the introductory articles: Introduction To Telecommunications and Introduction To Serial and Modem Communications.

We will start by looking at the way Basic Modem handles issues of endpoint state, connecting versus listening and user interface. From there we'll discuss the endpoint definition, how Basic Modem handles connecting or be connected to, sending and receiving data and finally disconnecting and destruction of the endpoint.

To do this lab you must have the following:
Files Needed
You must have the Basic Modem files: Basic Modem project file, Basic Modem.t, Project Data, and protoDisconnectSlip.

Trying Basic Modem
To use Basic Modem you must have a modem and cable to connect to the Newton. In addition you need to have another machine (whether Newton or desktop) and a modem with which you can use to connect to the Newton running Basic Modem. It may be easier to use another Newton as it has all of the necessary attributes built in and by using Basic Modem (or the 1.x sample Acme Modem) you have software which is written to connect, send and receive in the same way. You must also have two phone lines, one for each modem (unless of course you are using a cellular modem).

Once you have assembled the necessary hardware, download the Basic Modem package to your Newton. Next make sure your modem settings are correct for the modem you are using. To check your current modem settings, open the Extras drawer, tap the filing tab at the top of the Extras view and select Setup from the list of choices that pop up. Once the Setup programs appear tap the Prefs application and select the Modem preference. Make sure the settings are correct selecting (for example) a PC Card connection using a Newton Modem on a tone dial setting.

Once the modem settings are checked close the Prefs application, change the file filter for the extras drawer to Unfiled and tap on Basic Modem. This will bring up the following view:
You may select a hardware or software error correction (EC) protocol depending on your modem capabilities by checking the appropriate boxes at the bottom of the screen. Next decide whether this Newton will be connecting to another machine or whether it will be waiting for an incoming call. If connecting to another machine, enter the appropriate phone number by scrubbing the number shown and entering the correct number. Next tap the Connect button to initiate a connection or the Listen button to wait for an incoming connection. (Of course if you are making the connection this presumes you have everything ready at the other (receiving) end.)

Once connected you may send information by writing in the Message To Send: area and then tapping the Send button. Any incoming data will appear in the Messages & Received Data: area.

Note that once connected the Connect button changed to either Disconnect or Stop Listening depending on whether you are actively connecting or passively waiting for a connection. To end the session, tap this newly labeled button. A floating slip with the message "Disconnecting. Please Wait..." will appear until the disconnect process is complete.

Note that state messages and other notices from the program will appear in the message area. If an error occurs (say you forgot to turn on the modem...) an error slip will appear with an appropriate error message after which you should be able to start the connection process again.

Code Overview
Basic Modem is a fairly straightforward implementation of a Newton communication application. It has a simple user interface with input areas for phone numbers and data being sent, buttons to control connecting and disconnecting and a message area for displaying messages from the program to the user as well as incoming text.

Basic Modem uses the following programming conventions:
1. Views which are children of the base view are named with a lower case v before the rest of the name (e.g., vConnect).

2. Slots which are not methods begin with the lower case letter f followed by the rest of the name (e.g., fEndPointState)

3. Methods begin with the upper case letter M followed by the rest of the name (e.g., MConnect)
Note that these conventions are of course for the application slots, named views and methods only. The system slots and method names (such as viewSetupDone) conform to their own more liberal naming conventions.

From a programming point of view Basic Modem implements asynchronous connecting and disconnecting and synchronous output of data. To keep track of the connection state of the endpoint a slot called fEndpointState is defined in the base view which is initialized to a constant value representing a disconnected state (see the constant definitions in the Project Data file). From the disconnected state it moves to a connecting (or listening if waiting for a remote connection to come in) state followed by connected state when a connection has been established. Once connected data may be transferred in or out until the user asks to disconnect the endpoint (or it is remotely disconnected) at which point the state cycles to disconnecting and then back to disconnected.

Note that at each point these states provide the necessary information on what has to be done to clean up if there is an error and by using fEndPointState Basic Modem can check that the endpoint is in the right state to do the requested action. In other words, if the endpoint is connected and an error occurs, Basic Modem knows it must disconnect, unbind and dispose of the endpoint to return it to the beginning, disconnected state. Similarly, if the state is connecting, sending will not be possible as the Basic Modem code checks that the endpoint is connected before sending.

The key communications methods defined in Basic Modem are MConnect, MConnectAction and MConnectCompProc, MOutput, MDisconnect, MDisconnectAction, and MDisconnectCompProc. The idea is that based on choices the user makes, the method MConnect will decide whether to seek a connection or to wait passively for a connection. MConnectAction calls the appropriate endpoint methods asynchronously to accomplish this and MConnectCompProc is the completion routine for the asynchronous connect attempt.

MOutput is used to send data synchronously using the output spec defined in the slot fEndPointOutputSpec while input is handled using the input spec set in the connection completion routine and defined in the slot fEndPointInputSpec.

MDisconnect begins the disconnect process and calls MDisconnectAction which calls the endpoint method Disconnect asynchronously to carry out the disconnect. MDisconnectCompProc is called after the endpoint is disconnected an it unbinds and disposes of the endpoint object.

The details of these and other relevant methods will be discussed in the sections which follow.

In the viewSetupFormScript method of the base view, the endpoint is defined and assigned to the slot fEndpoint. It is based on ProtoBasicEndpoint and has the _parent slot defined as being self (which at runtime should be the application base view). As discussed in the article Endpoint Details this is done so that the endpoint can always find the application base view using the parent inheritance scheme to access the base view's slots and methods.

The ExceptionHandler slot in the endpoint frame is defined as being the application method MExceptionHandler. Note that in MExceptionHandler a -16005 error is ignored as it is generated every time the Cancel method is called. A -18003 error indicates there was a buffer overrun which means that data will retransmitted (since the MNP protocol was specified in the options) so all the handler does is to reset the connection causing the input spec to be reset and then an error slip is put up describing the error. Any other error is treated as a terminal error and the disconnect sequence is begun with a call to MDisconnect.

In addition there are several application specific slots added which are initialized to nil. These are slots which have data which logically belongs in the endpoint rather than in the base view. For example, the fConnectAction keeps track of whether the endpoint initiated the connection or whether it waited until a connection came in from an external device. The endpoint uses this during connection to decide whether a Connect or a Listen call should be made.

The uses of these slots are described below:
fConnectAction - set to either kAction_Connect or kListen_Connect depending on whether the endpoint was actively connected or passively waited for a connection

fConnectAddress - the phone number used to dial the remote device (nil if connected from a remote device)

fDisconnectSlip - a reference to the disconnect slip which appears during the disconnect phase

fPowerOffState - during a shutdown attempt Basic Modem may begin a disconnect (see MDisconnectAction) and then notify the system that it is not ready to shutdown yet. This slot keeps track of the fact that we are disconnecting due to a power off but have not yet completed the disconnect

fQuiet - controls the display of the error dialog, if true then no dialog is displayed
Once defined the endpoint frame may be used to create an endpoint object as described in the next section.

Before connection can take place however, there are a few other things which Basic Modem does to get ready to go. In the viewSetupDoneScript of the base view it calls the method MSetEndpointState and passes the value kState_Disconnected. Since the slot fEndpointState has this as its initial value, why is it set again? Looking at MSetEndpointState we see that it not only sets the fEndpointState value but also sets the text in the vConnect and vListen buttons. Since the state passed in is a disconnected state it sets the button text to Connect and Listen respectively. As you can see as we progress through the endpoint states the text in these buttons changes appropriately.

The function kViewIsOpenFunc is defined in the platform file.

Connecting is done in three separate methods as follows:
MConnect changes the endpoint state according to whether we are listening or connecting, building the phone option if needed and then calls MConnectAction.

MConnectAction creates the endpoint object by calling the Instantiate method, binds it to the low-level comms tool (the Modem tool) and calls the appropriate endpoint method (Connect or Listen) asynchronously. It also registers a power off handler.

MConnectCompProc is the callback routine which handles completion for connect or listen calls. If it is called in response to a Listen call (i.e., an external device connects to the Newton), it calls the Accept method.
Take a look at these methods and make sure you understand all the code there. Note that if something fails during the connection process Basic Modem gracefully tears down the endpoint and then reports the error.

Make sure you look at the MBuildConfigOptions method which creates the options array which is passed into the Instantiate method. As was the case with the endpoint itself, this is done dynamically (rather than simply defining fEndpointOptions as being an option array) so that the array may be changed dynamically in memory at runtime. For more discussion of this approach see the Code Overview section of the Simple Endpoint Lab.

Power off handlers are described in the article Endpoint Details as well as on pp. 16-14 and 16-15 of NPG: System Software.

Sending data once connected is a matter of getting data entered in the input area (the vInputArea)and passing it as an argument to the Output method when the user taps the Send button (vSend). The Send button's buttonClickScript calls the application method MOutput passing in either the text in the input area or a null string ("") if there is no text in the input area. MOutput checks the endpoint state to make sure we are connected and if so, send the data with a carriage return character at the end. Note that it uses the output spec defined in the slot fEndPointOutputSpec (currently only a frame which has the form slot defined).

This output spec is not strictly necessary.

Input is controlled by the input spec fEndPointInputSpec frame which is set to be the currently active input spec in the call to MResetConnection made first of all from MConnectCompProc. Note that in MResetConnection a Cancel call is made before SetInputSpec is called. The Cancel method terminates the previous input spec and the SetInputSpec makes fEndPointInputSpec the current input spec. This input spec defines the expected input as being a string and it will call the method MInput whenever it receives a carriage return character.

Note that in both the MOutput method and this input spec we use the Unicode character constant for carriage returns as the default encoding for endpoints is to convert outgoing strings to ASCII and incoming strings to Unicode values. This happens after the Output method is called for outgoing data and before the InputScript is called for incoming data.

As with connecting, disconnecting is done via three routines: MDisconnect, MDisconnectAction and MDisconnectCompProc. The MDisconnect method is called when the user taps on the Disconnect button which is enabled when the endpoint state is set to kState_Connected in the method MSetEndpointState.

MDisconnect changes the state, builds and opens a disconnect slip view and calls MDisconnectAction. In building the disconnect slip view it takes a layout (i.e., a template for a view) and calls the NewtonScript function BuildContext. This creates a view whose parent is the root view which has the advantage of not depending on the application's existence so that even if the application is closed, the slip will continue to be displayed until the disconnect finishes.

The MDisconnectAction method calls the Cancel method to stop all outstanding requests and input specs. It then calls the Disconnect method asynchronously. Note that it handles errors both in the request to Disconnect and in the asynchronous execution of the method. For more on asynchronous calls, see the discussion in the Opening Endpoints section on asynchronous calls and callback specs in the Endpoint Details article.

The MDisconnectCompProc is the callback for the Disconnect method and it unbinds and disposes of the endpoint object. It also unregisters the power off handler installed in the connection phase and returns the endpoint to kState_Disconnected.

Note that MDisconnect will only call the MDisconnect action if the endpoint is in a connected state while MDisconnectAction only calls the Disconnect method if the state is connected. Also in MDisconnectAction note that if there is an error making the Disconnect request or if the state is not connected, then MDisconnectCompProc is called anyway to unbind and dispose of the endpoint.

Finally, in the viewQuitScript for the base view the fEndPoint slot is removed so that the memory it uses is freed for garbage collection since there are no longer references to it and its slots.

Basic Modem has many other subtle and useful pieces of code for implementing the user interface to the endpoint as well as status information about the endpoint. It is probably worthwhile to poke around the other parts of Basic Modem to understand more about how it is put together. As always, copying and pasting code that is available for your use is a good idea but before you copy code it is a good idea to make sure you understand what you are copying and exactly how it works.

If you want to modify Basic Modem, here are some additional things to try (it is suggested you copy it before you begin making changes so you have a clean copy to refer to):

1. Try sending frames instead of strings.
2. Make sending data asynchronous.
3. Use multiple inputSpecs to implement a simple high level protocol which instead of relying on a carriage return to terminate the input, implements a simple protocol which expects the string length followed by the string itself like this:
<string length>
<string data>
Change MOutput to do the same thing.

The article Endpoint Details is probably the most central part of the endpoint section of this course. It covers all of the fundamentals of endpoint programming. To try building endpoint code yourself the Simple Endpoint Lab is an easy first step or the Asynchronous Endpoint Lab a more challenging version.

The Input Spec Animation is a good introduction to some of the mechanisms for controlling input of data to an endpoint while the Communications State Machine article describes using input specs to implement a high level protocol.

For more details about specific types of endpoints, the Endpoint Flavors articles describes some of the features and capabilities of different endpoints.

If the Basic Modem sample code was useful to you, you may want to get more of the DTS communications sample code from the DTS Sample ftp site. You should also take the time to read the documentation on communications in NPG: Communications which is available from the Newton Technical Information web site.

kViewIsOpenFunc is a platform file specific function which takes a view as an argument and returns true if the view object is open, nil otherwise. Note that this varies from the function Visible as it returns true if the view object is open even if the view is hidden.

Because NewtonScript objects carry their own type information we should be able to output string data without specifying the form slot of the output spec. This means we don't even have to specify the output spec at all (we can call :Output(data, nil, nil) ). However, the advantage of this implementation is that if we choose to add things to the output spec we have a frame already defined. So, if we decided to send a frame (which needs a form slot definition in the output spec), we could do so simply by changing fEndPointOutputSpec. Also, early versions of the 2.0 Newton OS had a bug where the form value was not automatically picked up.

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