The High Level Frame Desktop Integration Library (HLFDIL)

Article Overview
Opening the FDIL and Creating Objects
Defining Objects
Transferring Data
Unbound Data
Destroying Objects and Closing the FDIL
Where To Go From Here

The High Level Frame Desktop Integration Library (HLFDIL) is used to move Newton frames and arrays to and from a desktop machine. Currently the HLFDIL is implemented for the Macintosh OS and for Windows. Before the HLFDIL can be opened a connection between the Newton and the desktop machine must be established using the Connection Desktop Integration Library (CDIL). This is described in the article CDIL Details.

HLFDIL and FDIL are used interchangeably in this article.

To use the FDIL it must first be initialized as described in the section on Opening the FDIL and Creating Objects. Next a connection is made between the Newton frame structure and memory locations on the desktop machine where data is being transferred to or from as described in the section on Defining Objects. After the FDIL object structure is defined it may be uploaded to the desktop machine or downloaded to the Newton as described in the section Getting and Putting Data. In cases where data is uploaded from the Newton but the part or all of the structure of the frame is not known, the data arrives in an unbound form. The section on Unbound Data describes how to navigate this data to find its structure, type and value. Finally, once the data has been transferred, the library must be closed and any FDIL objects created, destroyed of as described in the section on Destroying Objects and Closing the FDIL.

The FDIL is used to map the dynamic structure of Newton frames to the static structures used on desktop machines. As with the CDIL, it is implemented in C++ but has a C language API. The basic assumption of the FDIL is that most of the time a user will know the format of the Newton frames being moved to or from the desktop machine. In such a situation the user can define a C language structure having a one-to-one correspondence with the Newton frame and the desktop programmer can define the mapping of slots to fields. However, since there are cases when the user may not know the structure of the Newton frame in advance or when additional slots have been added to the frame, there must be a way to handle these unexpected or unknown slots. This is handled by the FDIL by uploading these slots as unbound data, that is, data for which there is not a previously defined memory location of the appropriate size and type. The unbound data is therefore put into memory on the desktop machine in a tree structure which defines where the data is in the NewtonScript frame in relation to other slots in the frame.

Remember that the FDIL works for arrays as well.

As mentioned previously, before using the FDIL, a CDIL connection (pipe) must first be opened. This is described in the article CDIL Details and so the creation and opening of a pipe will not be covered here. After the CDIL pipe has been opened, the FDIL may be initialized and used. To do this the FDIL routine FDInitFDIL is called as follows:

fErr = FDInitFDIL();

Any error in initializing the library will be returned. FDIL errors fall in the -28000 range (i.e., -28000 or less) and a complete list may be found at the end of the FDIL section of the document Newton Desktop Integration Libraries which may be found on the DIL web page.

Assuming the library is opened without a problem, the next thing you must do to use the FDIL is to create one or more FDIL objects using the routine FDILCreateObject which is defined as follows:
DILObj *FDCreateObject(short objType,
char *objClass);

The first argument describes whether the object being created is an array or a frame, the second argument is an optional class name which NewtonScript arrays may carry. Each frame or array which is transferred must have a separate object created for it. This includes sub-frames and sub-arrays within a parent frame or array.

For example, for the following NewtonScript frame, three separate FDIL objects must be created before the frame can be defined on the desktop:
address:{street:"123 Main", town:"Fooburg",
state:'GA, postalCode:12345}

There must be an FDIL object for the main frame, aFrame, one for the phone sub-array and one for the address sub-frame.

The calls to create these FDIL objects would look like this:
DILObj *aFrameObj, foneObj, addrObj;

aFrameObj = FDCreateObject(kDILFrame, NULL);
addrObj = FDCreateObject(kDILFrame, NULL);

In this example FDCreateObject is called twice with the predefined constant kDILFrame to create an object for defining a frame and once to create an array object using the kDILArray constant for the first argument. In the case of the array, we also supply the class name "phoneClass" as well as it is a named (classed) array.

Named arrays are described in the NewtonScript documentation.
Once you have created an FDIL object, you may begin to bind memory locations to the object. This process describes to the FDIL where data being transferred to or from the Newton will come from or go to. In other words, by binding a memory location on the desktop to a slot in a Newton frame, the FDIL knows where to put data coming from the Newton or where to get the data being sent to a slot in the Newton frame. The memory locations used in this binding may of course be a variable on the stack, a global memory location or a dynamically allocated heap location depending on the use and duration of the data being transferred.

The routine FDbindSlot is used to connect the memory location with the Newton slot. Its formal definition is as follows:
objErr FDbindSlot(DILObj *theObj,char*slotName,
void *bindVar, short varType, long
maxLen,long curLen, char *objClass);
The first argument (theObj) is the object created to define the frame being transferred, the second (slotName) is the name of the slot that is being bound.

The third (bindVar) is a pointer to the memory location to which the slot is being connected. When data is to be downloaded to the Newton this will be the location of the data being sent, in the case of an upload from the Newton this is the place the received data will be put. In the latter case it is up to the programmer to make sure there is enough room to hold the data being received. The maxLen argument is used to describe the length of an object being sent to the Newton, the curLen argument describes the length of an object which is being received from the Newton. In the case of an array or frame, maxLen or curLen should be set to -1.

The varType argument describes what type of data object the slot being bound is expected to be. The following table shows the existing types:
kDILPlainArray // as opposed to a classed array
kDILArray // array with class name associated
kDILBoolean // true or false
kDILUnicodeCharacter // 16-bit character
kDILCharacter // 8-bit ASCII
kDILFrame // object is a frame
kDILSmallRect // packs a Newton rect into a long
kDILImmediate // Newton immediate value (not int)
kDILInteger // 30-bit integer
kDILBLOB // not used
kDILNIL // Newton nil value (NULL)
kDILBinaryObject // double or other binary sequence
kDILString // char *
kDILSymbol // handled as char *

Of these types several are worth special mention.

kDILArray versus kDILPlainArray - many arrays on the Newton are simply sequences of data but a few have a class associated with them. kDILPlainArray has no class associated with it while kDILArray does.

kDILBoolean and kDILNIL - both have platform specific definitions for the values true, false and nil.

kDILSmallRect is automatically used when a frame on the Newton which is used to store a rectangle is sent and the rectangle values (top, left, bottom, right) all fit in a single byte value. In this case the values are packed into a single long value.

kDILBLOB is not implemented .

kDILBinaryObject is used for any unspecified binary object (e.g., sounds, pictures, etc.) as well as for the Newton Real type. Note however that unlike integers or immediates, platform specific byte ordering must be accounted for (i.e., the Big Endian versus Little Endian problem discussed in the article CDIL Details).

Make sure you compile using 8-byte doubles if you are going to transfer Real numbers.

kDILString includes both classed and unclassed strings.

Unclassed strings which are array members throw an error.

kDILSymbol is a Newton symbol (e.g., 'mySymbol) transferred to and from the desktop as a C string.

The last argument in FDbindSlot (objClass) is the class (if any) of the object. While many objects on the Newton have no class associated with them, many may have a class assigned by the user or by the system. For example, while most strings have no class associated with them, they may have one assigned explicitly by the Newton programmer. Conversely, Newton Real numbers always are transferred as objects of type kDILBinaryObject with a class of "Real". If an object has no class associated with it, this argument should be a NULL . If it has a class it is transferred with a C string such as for the class name.

An example taken from the SoupDrink sample code involves downloading a name frame to the Newton Name soup. The following pseudo-NewtonScript describes a card frame and its associated FDIL type:
card := {
Name: kDILFrame,
Address: kDILString,
City: kDILString,
Region: kDILString,
Postal_Code: kDILString,
phones: kDILArray,
sorton: kDILString
In the same way the Name frame and the phones array may be defined as follows:
Name := {
class: kDILSymbol,
first: kDILString,
last: kDILString

phones := [kDILString, kDILString, ...]
While not shown here, the elements of the phones array each have a separate class associated with them such as "HomePhone", "WorkPhone", etc.

The code to create the FDIL object for this structure follows:

name = FDCreateObject(kDILFrame, NULL);
FDbindSlot(name, "Class", (void *)&pClass, kDILSymbol,
strlen(pClass), -1, NULL);
FDbindSlot(name, "first", (void *)&fName, kDILString,
strlen(fName), -1, NULL);
FDbindSlot(name, "last", (void *)&lName, kDILString,
strlen(lName), -1, NULL);

phones = FDCreateObject(kDILArray, NULL);
FDbindSlot(phones, NULL, (void *)&phoneNo, kDILString,
strlen(phoneNo), -1, "HomePhone"));

entry = FDCreateObject(kDILFrame, NULL);
FDbindSlot(entry, "cardType", (void *)&cardType,
kDILInteger, sizeof(int), -1, NULL) ;
FDbindSlot(entry, "Name", (void *)name, kDILFrame, 0, -1,
FDbindSlot(entry, "Address", (void *)&addr, kDILString,
strlen(addr), -1, NULL) ;
FDbindSlot(entry, "City", (void *)&town, kDILString,
strlen(town), -1, NULL) ;
FDbindSlot(entry, "Region", (void *)&state, kDILString,
strlen(state), -1, NULL) ;
FDbindSlot(entry, "Postal_Code", (void *)&zip,
kDILString, strlen(zip), -1, NULL) ;
FDbindSlot(entry, "phones", (void *)phones, kDILArray, 0,
-1, NULL) ;
FDbindSlot(entry, "sorton", (void *)&sName, kDILString,
strlen(sName), 0, "Name");

Here the FDIL objects name and phones are bound to slots in the entry object. Note also that the string in the phones array has a class associated with it (HomePhone). Once the entry object is defined it is ready to be used to download it to the Newton.

Note that the above only shows the code to bind the various slots.
Once an FDIL object is created and the slots are defined by binding them to desktop memory, it may be used to transfer data to or from the Newton. This is done by using the routines FDget to upload and FDput to download the object and its associated data. These routines are defined as follows:

objErr FDput (DILObj *entry, short type, CDILPipe *pipe);

objErr FDget (DILObj *entry, short type, CDILPipe *pipe,
long timeOut, CDILPipeCompletionProcPtr
callBack,long refCon);

Notice that the CDIL pipe is used here as this is the first time that data will actually be transferred. Note also that the FDget routine may be called asynchronously by passing a procedure pointer in for the fifth argument. For details about such callbacks see the article: CDIL Details.

In both routines the first argument (entry) is the master object being transferred. Of course it may have sub-frames and arrays objects bound to it but this is the top level object. The next argument (type) is the FDIL type (kDILFrame or kDILArray) of this master object. The third argument (pipe) is the CDIL pipe being used to transfer the data.

For FDget we have the following additional arguments:
The fourth argument (timeOut) defines how long the FDIL should attempt to transfer the object before giving up and returning an error. The timeout value is measured in milliseconds on Windows machines and ticks on a Macintosh OS machine.

The next argument (callBack) is a pointer to a callback routine if the FDget call is made asynchronously. If you are making the call synchronously, simply pass NULL for this argument.

The last argument (refCon) is an arbitrary value you may wish to have passed to your completion routine.

SoupDrink downloads the previously defined entry FDIL object to the Newton using the following call to FDput:
FDput(entry, kDILFrame, ourPipe);
Remember that the Newton must be in a state to receive a frame or array before it is sent from the desktop machine. See the SoupDrink code for the Newton for an example of code which imports and exports frames.
Unbound data is data which arrives at the desktop but is not bound to any memory locations by calls to FDbindSlot(). This typically occurs in two situations: when the desktop programmer does not know the structure of the Newton data beforehand and when there are previously unknown slots which have been added to a frame.

An example of the first case is a program which allows the user to select what will be transferred. SoupDrink does this when it allows the user to name a Newton soup which he or she wishes to upload. In this case SoupDrink provides a universal way to handle all soups by uploading the data as unbound data which it then writes to file. For details see the SoupDrink Lab.

The second situation occurs either when there is a system or program update or when applications which "tag along" on system soups are added. For example, if a new version of the Names application added new slots to the soup frames stored for a Name card, SoupDrink would get the data from the old slots if it used to entry definition shown above but would not have a place allocated to put new data slots. Similarly, if a new contact application was loaded into the Newton, it might choose to build off of the existing Names application but add additional information to the soup entries. In this case SoupDrink would get the standard data but would not be prepared for the data added to the Names soup entries.

In either case, unbound data provides a way to accept unknown data slots and then to parse them for further disposition. What follows is a description of unbound data and how to extract information about the data once it has arrived at the desktop.

Unbound data is linked together in a chain of data structures of type slotDefinition. The slotDefinition data type is defined as follows:

typedef struct slotDefinition
short varType; // Data type of this variable
void *var; // Actual pointer to data
ulong length; // Length of data (strings)
ulong maxLength; // Maximum Length of data
ulong streamLen; // Length of streaming - internal
ulong bufIndex; // Current buffer index - internal
long namePrec; // Original precedent? - internal
long classPrec; // Original precedent? - internal
char *slotName; // Name of slot for this var
char *oClass; // class of this object
short slotType; // Data type of this slot
ulong truncSize; // Current size of truncated object
long childCnt; // Number of child nodes
long peerCnt; // Number of peer nodes
short dataFilled; // TRUE if data added in this op
long internalFlags; // Internal state flags
short boundData; // for future use
struct slotDefinition *children;
struct slotDefinition *next;
} slotDefinition ;

The fields which are significant to understanding the structure of unbound data are the childCnt, peerCnt, children and next fields. Essentially unbound data is stored as a series of linked slotDefinition structures which may have siblings (peers) or children. By this we mean items which are at the same level in a structure (for example the cardType and names slots in the entry frame described above) are called peers or siblings while items which are elements in a sub-frame or array are called children. In this scheme, peerCnt is the number of peers an item has, childCnt is the number of children, next is a pointer to the slotDefinition for the next peer in the list and children is a pointer to the start of the chain of slotDefinitions for the children of the item.

This is shown in the following diagram:

Here the slotDefinition structures are linked laterally (i.e., between peers) by the next field while the children field points to the start of the list of all of the item's children. One thing which should be made clear about this diagram is that the children of the upper leftmost slotDefinition structure form a linked list of items which in no way has anything to do with the children (if any) of the item immediately to the right of the upper leftmost structure. That is, because the diagram is two-dimensional, it appears that the children slot of the middle item in the top row will point into the list of children of the left item in the top row. This is not the case; they each have their own list of children which do not intersect.

A more concrete example of this structure is shown below for the following simple frame:
foo:= {
bar:{none:nil, one:1},
fubar: 3

Not shown in the second diagram is the var field which points to the actual data associated with the slot. With the addition of this slot we know have enough information to write the following pseudo-code for walking through the unbound data list printing the data:

while (item != nil)
if (item !=kDILFrame & item !=kDILArray)

This is not the only way this parsing could be done. See SoupDrink for an example of another way to parse the unbound data list.

The only thing remaining is how to find the start of the unbound data list and how to dispose of the memory allocated by the FDIL for the unbound data. The following routines do what is necessary:

SlotDefinition *FDGetUnboundList(DILObj *theFDILObj);
objErr FDFreeUnboundList(DILObj *theFDILObj,
SlotDefinition *list);

FDGetUnboundList returns a pointer to the list of items in the top level (master frame) of the unbound data while FDFreeUnboundList frees all the memory allocated for unbound data when FDget is called and there is data uploaded which has not been defined using FDbindSlot.

The use of unbound data may be summarized as follows:

Unbound data is the data received from the Newton after a call to FDget returns slots which do not have a specified location in memory connected to them. This may occur because the desktop programmer did not know what the structure of the data would be or because additional data was added to the frame being uploaded. Once transferred to the desktop machine the data is put into a linked list of slotDefinition structures which contain pointers to the next unbound item as well as items which are children of the current item. The unbound list may be parsed and extensive information about the slot associated with the item including its type, name, class, and the actual data associated with the item may be extracted from its slotDefinition structure.
When you are completely finished with an FDIL object, you should call FDDisposeObject to destroy the object and all associated memory. However, note that calling FDDisposeObject does not deallocate memory explicitly allocated by the desktop application. For example, if memory is allocated off of the heap and then bound to a slot in an object, FDDisposeObject will not deallocate the heap memory, you must explicitly deallocate it.
Finally, when you are done with the FDIL, it should be closed by calling FDDisposeFDIL. This should be done before closing the CDIL.
The definition of these routines are as follows:
objErr FDDisposeObject ( DILObj *theObject );
objErr FDDiposeFDIL();

For more programming details, see the Apple documentation: Newton Desktop Integration Libraries which may be downloaded from the DIL web page.

If you have not yet looked at the SoupDrink example, this is probably the best place to go from here. As part of this class there is a lab which highlights individual parts of SoupDrink called SoupDrink Lab. If you want to try your hand at coding, you might try the FDIL Archive Lab.

Since you must open a CDIL pipe before using the FDIL, you may want to look at the CDIL section of this course including the article CDIL Details and the CDIL Archive Lab.

From here, the course proceeds to focus on the endpoint API on the Newton. For more details on the endpoint section, see the article Endpoint Overview.

Finally, the code for the Archive Transport used throughout this section is available though it is somewhat more carelessly written and should probably not be used as a model for how Transports are constructed. However, it does show the Newton side of the Archive dialog and may be useful for seeing the Newton implementation of a simple protocol.

The technically correct name for the frame library is the High Level Frame Desktop Integration Library (HLFDIL) but by common usage this is usually shortened to FDIL (Frame Desktop Integration Library).

Throughout this document we will discuss the use of the FDIL to transfer Newton frame data as that it what they were primarily designed for. However, it is also used to transfer Newton array data and the reader should keep this in the back of his or her mind. Also, it is worth noting that the FDIL cannot be used to transfer simple data such as integers or strings unless they are part of a frame or array. It is recommended that such data be transferred using the CDIL mechanism or else put into a simple NewtonScript frame (e.g., fooFrame:={myInteger:3}).

See the NewtonScript Reference, pp. 2-9 for a description of user specified classes for arrays. You may get an electronic version of this book from the Newton documentation web page.

When transferring Newton Real numbers, you must set your development environment to use 8-byte double values or it will interpret the Reals received as a different value than expected. This is usually an option specific to your system For example, Metrowerks defaults to 4-byte doubles and the 8-byte double option must be specified in the compiler options in the Preferences menu item. MPW defaults to 8-byte doubles and so no special action must be taken

At the time of writing, there was a known bug in the FDIL whereby if an array had an unnamed string (i.e., a classless string) as one of its elements, when the string was downloaded to the Newton it would throw on error on the Newton. The workaround is simply to give unclassed strings a class of "string" when they are array members. See the routine DearchiveFrame in the FDIL Archive Lab solution code for an example of this work around. This bug should be fixed in future releases of the HLFDIL.

This is only a code fragment from the SoupDrink example. The variables shown (such as the name strings) are assigned values in earlier code. To see the full code, see the SoupDrink code walkthrough.

Actually, the list of items of unbound data are kept in an array and the children field in a slotDefinition is an array of child items. SoupDrink uses this to parse the unbound data by looping through each of these arrays. Both algorithms work since *children is equivalent to children[0] in C.

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