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Newton Developer Technical Information: Newton Programmer's Guide: 2.1 OS Addendum /
Chapter 3 - Word Processing Views / About protoTXView And the View System

About Scrolling with protoTXView

Your word processing views automatically scroll when the user is entering text with the keyboard or pen. *protoTXView also provides a number of scrolling methods that you can use if you have attached scrollers (vertical or horizontal) to the view that encloses your *protoTXView.

Table 3-4 summarizes the *protoTXView scrolling methods, which are described in more detail in "Scrolling Methods".

Table 3-4 Scrolling methods of protoTXView
ScrollScrolls the contents of the word-processing view horizontally and/or vertically.
GetScrollValuesReturns the current scroll values, which you can use to adjust the thumbbars of attached scrollers
GetTotalHeightReturns the current total text height, which you can use to set the maximum value of a vertical scroller.
GetTotalWidthReturns the total text (or page) width, which you can use to set the maximum value of a horizontal scroller.
GetScrollableRectReturns a frame describing the coordinates of the text display rectangle.
ViewUpdateScrollersScriptCalled by *protoTXView when the text is scrolled or when the text height changes. Used to notify you that any attached scrollers might need updating.

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