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Newton Developer Technical Information: Newton Programmer's Guide: 2.1 OS Addendum /
Chapter 2 - Newton Works Draw Application




myToolTemplate := {

_proto : protoDrawTool, class : classSymbol, // this tool's symbol icon : pixFamily, //icon for tool bar createByTapping : Boolean , //create object with pen tap? createByDragging : Boolean , //create object by dragging bounds? dragARectangle: Boolean , //create object by dragging a rectangle? MakeObject: //make a new object func(left, top, right, bottom, style) ... SetAttribute: //set an attribute func(shape, attribute, newValue) ... MakeDragObject: // make an object to show user when dragging a new obj. func(left, top, right, bottom, style) ... AdjustBounds: // contrain the bounding rect a user drags func(shape, style, left, top, right, bottom, constrain) ... ScaleShape: // scale an object func(shape, oldBounds, newBounds) ... CanvasClickScript : // called when user touches canvas w/your tool func(unit)... ToolClickScript : // called when user taps your tool in the tool bar func(unit) ... ToolBegin : // called before ToolCickScript to set up too func() ... ToolEnd : // called when anothertool is selected, to clean up func() ... ... }

Data Structures

The Canvas

canvasView := {

currentDrawStyle : AddShape : func(shape, style, nil) ... //add a shape to the canvas AddShapeToSelection : func(shape) ... //selects a shape ClearSelection : func() ... //clears selected shapes SelectAll : func() ... // selects all shapes on the canvas GetSelectedShapes : func(makeCopy) ... //returns selected shapes DirtyShape : func(shape) ... //marks as dirty area under a shape EditGroup : func() ... //groups selection EditUnGroup : func() ... //ungroups selection EditCopy : func() ... //copies selection EditCut : func() ... //cuts selection EditPaste : func() ... //pastes clipboard contents EditDelete : func() ... //deletes selection EditDuplicate : func() ... //duplicates selection EditUndo : func() ... //undos last undoable action ... }

Draw Application viewDef

drawApplicationViewDef := {

GetCanvas : func() ... //returns canvas view GetContents : func() ... //returns contents of canvas SetContents : func(newShapes) ... //sets contents of canvas RegPatterns : func(sym, arrayOfPatterns) ... //registers new patterns UnRegPatterns : func(sym) ... //unregisters new patterns RegStamps : func(sym, arrayOfStamps) ... //registers new stamps UnRegStamps : func(sym) ... //unregisters new stamps RegTool : func(sym, toolTemplate) ... //registers new tool UnRegTool : func(sym) ... //unregisters new tool ... }

Data Structures
The Canvas
Draw Application viewDef

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