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Newton Developer Technical Information: Newton Programmer's Guide: 2.1 OS Addendum /
Chapter 1 - Newton Works

Summary of Newton Works

Newton Works Base Application

newtonWorksBaseView := {

newtAppBase: view, // Newton Works base view viewDefView: view, // current viewDef; nil if overview is current GetNewtWorksTool: func(toolSym), // gets a specific tool GetNewtWorksTools: func(dataTypeSym), // gets all tools for an app RegNewtWorksTool: func(toolSym, toolFrame), // registers tool UnregNewtWorksTool: func(toolSym), // unregisters tool UpdateStatusBar: func(), // redraws status bar ... }

Newton Works Stationery DataDef

myNewtonWorksDataDef := {

superSymbol: 'newtWorks, // required prefs: { // app-specific preferences info prefsTemplate: viewTemplate, // preferences slip item: string, // preferences command name for picker icon: frame, // bitmap frame holding icon for picker (optional) indent: integer, // indent for name in picker (optional) }, FindFn: func(entry, what, offset) ..., // searches soup entry for what InfoBoxExtract: // called when title slip is opened func(target, maxSize, viewDefView) ..., ... }

Newton Works Stationery ViewDef

myNewtonWorksViewDef := { // viewDef for screen (not printing)

symbol: 'default, // required statusLeftButtons: array, // left button array statusRightButtons: array, // right button array helpManual: frame, // book frame identifying help book viewHelpTopic: string, // location to open help book to DoHelp: func(entry) ..., // called when user chooses Help command FindChange: // called when user performs a document Find operation func(action, data) ..., GetScrollableRect: func() ..., // called to get the scrollable rect GetScrollValues: func() ..., // called to get the current scroll values GetTotalHeight: func() ..., // called to get the total height GetTotalWidth: func() ..., // called to get the total width PrefsChanged: func(prefsFrame) ..., // called when global prefs change SaveData: func(entry) ..., // called when entry is about to be saved Scroll: func(scrollValues) ..., // called to scroll the view ToolsChanged: // called when tool is installed or removed for app func(actionSym, toolSym) ..., UpdateAllScrollers: // updates scroll bar controls func(view, totalHeightChanged, scrolledV, totalWidthChanged, scrolledH), UpdateStatusBar: // called so view can update status bar button arrays func() ..., ... }

Newton Works Base Application
Newton Works Stationery DataDef
Newton Works Stationery ViewDef

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26 APR 1997

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