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Newton Developer Technical Information: Newton Programmer's Guide: 2.1 OS Addendum /
Appendix A - Newton Toolkit Enhancements / Functions


MakeDitheredPattern(bwPattern, foregroundColor, backgroundColor)

Creates a dithered pattern.

A one-bit pattern. A pattern is a binary object containing an 8x8 bitmap of class 'pattern. The constants vfWhite, vfLtGray, vfGray, vfDkGray, and vfBlack specify patterns in the Newton OS ROM.

A kRGB_GrayXX constant or a packed RGB integer returned by *PackRGB.

A kRGB_GrayXX constant or a packed RGB integer returned by *PackRGB.

return value
A dithered pattern frame as defined in "Dithered Pattern".


Using this function, as opposed to creating your own frame ensures that the frame shares a frame map with other dithered pattern frames.


For an example use of this function, see "Dithered Patterns".

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