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Newton Developer Technical Information: Newton Programmer's Guide: 2.1 OS Addendum /
Appendix A - Newton Toolkit Enhancements / Editors

Application Icon Editor

The Application Icon pane of the Project Settings dialog allows you to select gray icons for your form part. There is a field for each of four screen resolutions, 1, 2, 4, and 8 bits, as well as a field for highlighted versions of the icon, and two fields for the normal and highlighted masks.

Figure A-2 NTK's Application Icon pane of the Project Setting dialog

A PICT is selected for each of these icons with the popup menu to the right of each of these fields. There are four choices available for the icon's mask:

No Mask
A mask is not used.

Use Picture
A black and white PICT is selected.

Use XORing
A mask is generated such that when this mask is Xor'ed with the 1 bit icon, the image selected in the mask field is displayed. The Extras Drawer in Newton 1.x and 2.0 OS Xor's an icon with its mask when the icon is selected.

Calculate Mask
A mask is generated automatically from the black and white image. If no black and white image has been selected, one is created by NTK on the fly from one of the available images, to generate the mask.

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26 APR 1997

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