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Newton Developer Technical Information: Newton Programmer's Guide: 2.1 OS Addendum /
Appendix A - Newton Toolkit Enhancements / Editors

Picture Slot Editor

A picture slot editor, shown in Figure A-1, is used to create a pix family from a number of PICT resources at different bit depths to use for the icon slot of a clPictureView. The editor allows you to include different PICTs to display on black and white, 4 grays, 16 grays, and 256 grays screens. You may specify any number of these pictures; the system software determines the appropriate image to display at run time.

The picture does not have to be the same bit-depth as the picture window it is placed in. For example, an 8-bit picture could be specified for the "Black and White" window. The picture would be properly displayed on a black and white screen. However, this would waste memory, and the picture would be drawn slower. You should reduce the bit depth of each PICT to the appropriate setting in NTK with a graphics utility on the desktop machine.
Figure A-1 NTK's picture slot editor

NTK displays the width and height in pixels. All included PICTs must be the same size. Each of the images is selected from a popup menu over the image. This popup menu contains all the PICT resources from resource files included in the current project.

A number of options are provided for a picture's mask:

No Mask
The bitmap does not contain a mask.

Use Picture
The mask is a PICT resource that is picked from the popup menu over the Mask window, just like any other image is selected.

Use XORing
A mask is generated such that when this mask is Xor'ed with the 1 bit image, the image selected in the mask field is displayed.

Calculate Mask
A mask is generated automatically from the black and white image. If no black and white image has been selected, one is created by NTK on the fly from one of the available images to generate the mask.

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