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Newton Developer Technical Information: Newton Programmer's Guide: 2.1 OS Addendum /
Chapter 11 - Miscellaneous / Reference
Data Structures

Built-In Applications

A folder symbol has been added for the button bar, the cityAlias slot of Names worksite soup entries has changed, and a number of user configuration variables have been added. The soup format of Works word processor entries is described.

Extras Drawer Folder Symbols

The following symbols are used for the labels slot of part entries by the Extras Drawer:

Set up.
The button bar.

Names Worksite Soup Entry

Worksite entries in the Names soup contain a cityAlias slot. Previous version of the Newton OS stored a entry alias to an undocumented soup in this slot. In Newton 2.1 OS this slot contains an array with information about the city, or nil if there is no city information. Note that ResolveEntryAlias returns nil if passed in an array (or anything other than a valid entry alias).

Newton Works Word Processor Soup Format

Newton Works word processor soup entries have the following slots.

Slot descriptions

The symbol 'paper.
Integer, the current version of the entry.
String which is the document title.
Creation date of the entry.
Date the entry was most recently modified.
Frame returned from *protoTXView *Externalize call (page 3-36).
Frame with the document's highlight range (see "The Range Frame").
Frame with slots top, left, bottom, right, which are the document's margins in pixels.

User Configuration Variables

The following user configuration variables are new to Newton 2.1 OS:

Slot descriptions

On units that support software control of the LCD contrast setting, this slot contains the current contrast setting. It can also be used to modify the current contrast. Use the kGestaltArg_HasSoftContrast *Gestalt selector to check ia a Newton device has software LCD control, and the maximum and minimum values.
Sets the system wide alarm volume in decibels. Use the kGestaltArg_VolumeInfo *Gestalt selector to find the range of allowable values for the volume.
Sets the system wide volume in decibels. Use the kGestaltArg_VolumeInfo *Gestalt selector to find the range of allowable values for the volume.
A 4-element array, specifying the position of the button bar in each of the four possible screen orientations. Each element in the array can be either nil, specifying that the default setting should be used, or one of the following symbols: 'top, 'left, 'right, or 'bottom.
The array elements are ordered using the screen orientation constants as indices to this array, see "Screen Orientation Constants". That is, buttonBarPositions[kPortait] should hold information for the portrait screen orientation.
A 4-element array, specifying the position of the controls--overview button and scroll arrows--in each of the four screen orientations. Each array element can be nil, specifying that the default value be used, or the symbols 'top and 'bottom for when the button bar is on the left or right sides of the screen, or 'left and 'right for when the button bar is on the top or bottom of the screen.
The array elements are ordered using the screen orientation constants as indices to this array, see "Screen Orientation Constants". That is, buttonBarControlsPositions[kPortait] should hold information for the portrait screen orientation.
A 4-element array, specifying the position of the overview button relative to the scroll arrows in each of the four screen orientations. Each array element can be nil, specifying that the default value be used, or the symbols 'outside, 'inside, 'left, and 'right.
The array elements are ordered using the screen orientation constants as indices to this array, see "Screen Orientation Constants". That is, bellyButtonPositions[kPortait] should hold information for the portrait screen orientation.
An integer specifying the number of pixels spacing icons in the button bar when the button bar is laid out horizontally -- across the top or bottom of the screen. The default is 40 on the MessagePad 2000. To restore this settings to its default value, set it to nil.
An integer specifying the number of pixels spacing icons in the button bar when the button bar is laid out vertically -- across the left or right sides of the screen. The default is 40 on the MessagePad 2000. To restore this settings to its default value, set it to nil.
An integer specifying the horizontal spacing of icons in the Extras Drawer in pixels. The default is 64 in the MessagePad 2000. This value has no effect when the Extras Drawer is in overview mode.To restore this settings to its default value, set it to nil. This value is not used in systems prior to Newton 2.1 OS.
An integer specifying the vertical spacing of icons in the Extras Drawer in pixels. The default is 52 in the MessagePad 2000. This value has no effect when the Extras Drawer is in overview mode.To restore this settings to its default value, set it to nil.This value is not used in systems prior to Newton 2.1 OS.
The font used for the icon labels in both the Extras Drawer and the button bar. While you can use both an integer font spec or a font spec frame, it is strongly recommended that you use only integer font specs, such as userFont9 + tsPlain or simpleFont9 + tsBold. Using the integer representation in this instance accomplishes two things: it reduces NewtonScript Heap usage and it restricts you to the set of built-in fonts. Using a font that's not in ROM is extremely dangerous, because the font could be removed. This information is stored in a soup. A user may be forced to do a hard reset in order to remove a bad font specification.
This value is not used in systems prior to Newton 2.1 OS.

Extras Drawer Folder Symbols
Names Worksite Soup Entry
Newton Works Word Processor Soup Format
User Configuration Variables

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26 APR 1997

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