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Newton Developer Technical Information: Newton Programmer's Guide: 2.1 OS Addendum /
Chapter 7 - Sound / Sound Reference
Data Structures

soundRecorder Object

The *soundRecorder object is a child view of the root view. It is a built-in user interface object that lets the user control recording and playback.

After opening the recorder slip with either *OpenPlay or *OpenRecord, you can change several slots in the sound recorder base view to override values in the associated sound channel and sound frames created by it. The slots you can change are as follows:

Slot descriptions

A frame that contains any slots that you want to be copied to the sound frames for recording. This frame overrides the default values of the slots in any sound frames created by *soundRecorder.
Sets the inputGain slot in the sound channel.
Sets the inputDevice slot in the sound channel.
Sets the outputDevice slot in the sound channel.
A function that is called when the user taps the close box to close the recorder. It is passed a single argument, the array of sound frames that were allocated as a result of recording. Note that this slot is set by the *OpenRecord method (it's the argument you passed to *OpenRecord), so if you open the recorder by calling *OpenRecord, then you don't need to also set this slot.
You can also send the following messages to the *soundRecorder object.

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