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Newton Developer Technical Information: Newton Programmer's Guide: 2.1 OS Addendum /
Chapter 7 - Sound / Sound Reference
Data Structures

Synthesized Sound Data Format

The synthesizer codec accepts sound frames whose samples slot contains a binary object of the class 'TDTMFCodec. The data format of the binary object is as follows (note this is a C structure). All values are 16 bits in length.

type 'DTMF' {

unsigned short; /* Parameter block type, set to 1 */ unsigned short; /* Synthesis type (0-4) */ unsigned short; /* Reserved, set to 0 */ unsigned short; /* loop count */ unsigned short = $$CountOf(DTMFTones); /* Number of tone blocks */ wide array DTMFTones { /* specify 1 to 12 tone blocks */ unsigned short; /* frequency integer part */ unsigned short; /* frequency fractional part */ unsigned short; /* sustain amplitude */ unsigned short; /* leading silence in ms */ unsigned short; /* attack in ms */ unsigned short; /* decay in ms */ unsigned short; /* sustain in ms */ unsigned short; /* release in ms */ unsigned short; /* peak amplitude */ unsigned short; /* trailing silence in ms */ }; };

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26 APR 1997

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