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Newton Developer Technical Information: Newton Programmer's Guide: 2.1 OS Addendum /
Chapter 6 - Drawing and Graphics 2.1 / Drawing and Graphics Reference
Functions and Methods /



Creates and returns a graphic shape based on object.

A bounds frame, points array, pix family or bitmap, picture, or view to convert to a graphic shape.

return value
The following kinds of shapes are created, depending on what kind of object is passed in object:

bounds frame A rectangle shape is returned.

points array A polygon shape is returned. You can pass in the value stored in the points slot in a view of class clPolygonView. This is a binary data structure that has a class of 'polygonShape and contains data describing a polygon shape.

This option is intended to create a shape from data you retrieve from a clPolygonView. However, you can manually create the points data structure by using the ArrayToPoints routine. pix family or bitmap A bitmap shape is created and returned. If the pix family or bitmaps has a mask, it is contained in an extra slot mask.

picture A picture shape is returned.

view A picture shape is returned.

*MakeShape may return a shape that uses less memory than what you would need if you did the equivalent capture of a view into a bitmap with ViewIntoBitmap.

Versions of this function prior to Newton 2.1 OS ignore a bitmap's mask.

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26 APR 1997

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