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Newton Developer Technical Information: Newton Programmer's Guide: 2.1 OS Addendum /
Chapter 6 - Drawing and Graphics 2.1 / Drawing and Graphics Reference
Functions and Methods /


MakeInk(inkdata,left, top, right, bottom)

Creates an ink shape in the specified bounds box.

The ink data object.

The left boundary.

The top boundary.

The right boundary.

The bottom boundary.

return value
An ink shape.


This ink shape will work fine when passed to the various shape methods: DrawShape, OffsetShape, IsPrimShape, *ScaleShape, etc. HitShape however does not work on these new objects. You must use the new function *FindShape (page 6-27) on these objects.

The bounds slot doesn't scale the ink, it just tells DrawShape where to place the upper left corner. The shape is not clipped at its bounds.


For an example of using this function see "Creating Ink and TextBox Shapes" beginning on page 6-17.

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