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Newton Developer Technical Information: Newton Programmer's Guide: 2.1 OS Addendum /
Chapter 3 - Word Processing Views

Summary of Word Processing Views

Data Structures

Ruler Information Frame


justification:int, // 'left, 'right, 'center, or 'full indent: int, // first line indentation in pixels leftMargin: int, // left margin in pixels rightMargin:int, // right margin in pixels lineSpacing:int, // paragraph line spacing, in lines tabs: [t1, t2, ... tN]// array of tab frames }

Tab Frame


kind: int, // 'left, 'right, 'center, or 'decimalPoint value: int, // number of pixels from left edge }



// tells protoTXView to store view as VBO

SetStore: func(store),

// changes view geometry

SetGeometry: func(isPaged, width, height, margins),

// returns data for specified range in view

GetRangeData: func(range, which),

// retuyrns the number of chars in the view


// searches for matching text in a view

FindString: func(str, startOffset, options),

// finds first and last characters of a word

GetWordRange: func(offset),

// returns coordinates of a character

CharToPoint: func(offset),

// returns the character at a poing

PointToChar: func(point),

// returns range spec for a text line

GetLineRange: func(offset),

// cuts selection to clipboard

Cut: func(),

// copies selection to clipboard

Copy: func(),

// replaces selection with clipboard contents

Paste: func(),

// removes selection from view

Clear: func(),

// changes font attributes for a range

ChangeRangeRuns:func(range, fontSpec, toggleFace, undoable),

// changes ruler attributes for a range

ChangeRangeRulers:func(range, ruler, undoable),

// replaces text in range with different data

Replace: func(range, data, undoable),

// replaces all occurrences in a view

ReplaceAll: func(str, startOffset, options, data),

// creates a VBO for the data in view

Externalize: func(),

// replaces view contents with data from VBO

Internalize: func(object),

// determines if view has changed

IsModified: func(object),

// scrolls the view horizontally or vertically

Scroll: func(scrollValues),

// returns current scroll values


// determines current text height of view


// determines current text width of view

GetTotalWidth: func(),

// determines scrollable area of view


// notifies you that scrollers need updating

ViewUpdateScrollersScript: func(updateMaxVal, scrolled),

// returns current highlight range


// sets the current highlight range

SetHiliteRange:func(newRange, showHilite, setKeyView),

// gets style run for current highlight range


// displays the ruler

ShowRuler: func(rulerSettings),

// hides the ruler

HideRuler: func(),

// determines if ruler is currently shown

IsRulerShown: func(),

// changes ruler display settings & redisplays it


// returns number of pages in view

GetCountPages: func(),

// replaces text range with a page break


// reconfigures view for printing

SetDrawOrigin: func(origin) }



// finds a string in a VBO

FindString: func(object, str, startOffset, options),

// returns the number of characters in a VBO


// returns characters for a text range in a VBO

GetRangeText: func(range) }

Data Structures
Ruler Information Frame
Tab Frame

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26 APR 1997

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