NewtGrocery Reference 8 - Info Menu

The Info Menu displays various options.



This dialog displays various information on the program and contains contact information.



The Help option displays the standard Newton help book. A NewtGrocery help module should be made available later.



The Prefs option displays the NewtGrocery Preferences. The first setting is the Always store new items internally. When checked, all new items you create in NewtGrocery are saved on the internal store, even if your default store is an external Flash RAM card.

The Default Grocery Store popup lets you select which store will be attributed to any new item you create. You can also edit the stores from the popup.

The Tax Rate popup allows you to create additional tax rates that you can then apply to the items.



This option is for buying a registration number for NewtGrocery. It will open the Register package if you have installed it. The Register application allows you to send your personal information to the Kagi service for processing.


Enter registration

Once you receive your personnalized registration number, you need to enter it to continue using NewtGrocery after the trial period. A window will appear with a field where you can type or write the registration number, and an OK button will let you register your copy. From that point, you won't have to enter that information again. You should nevertheless keep the registration number handy, should you do a hard reset and need to enter it again.


Hide NewtGrocery

This option is a convenience. When selected, NewtGrocery will be hidden, so that other applications can be brought to the foreground. NewtGrocery will still be loaded, but just hidden from view. The activity icon (the blinking "star") will appear in the top center area of the screen. To show NewtGrocery again, tap the star and an item labeled Newt Grocery will appear . Select Newt Grocery and NewtGrocery will reappear.

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