NewtGrocery Reference 7 - Overview

When you launch NewtGrocery, one of the two screen you can have displayed is the overview:

The overview is probably the most important part of NewtGrocery because if you properly located every item according to the layout of the grocery store, using the various attributes offered by NewtGrocery, you will have a nice list that should present the items in the order that you will find them.


Max. Amount

The maximum amount is to hold any maximum amount of money you have to spend on the grocery. When you write a number, or pick one from the popup menu, the Total field will change its label for Remain or Short. If the total of the items found is less than the maximum amount, then the remainder of the money you have will be displayed on the right, and will change its label from Total to Remain. If the maximum amount is less than the running total, then the Total label will change to Short, thus indicating that you're missing some money. You can add values to the Max. Amount, like you can add stores and sections to the popup, and NewtGrocery will remember them.


Total, Remain, Short

As explained in the previous item, if no amount is entered in the Max. Amount field, then the cumulative total of all found items in the currently selected folder will be displayed, with Total as the label. If you decide that you need to restrict yourself to a specific maxmimum amount, then write it there, or pick it up from the popup menu. If the Max. Amount is greater than the running total of the found items in the current selected folder, then the Total text label will be replaced with Remain and will show you the amount of money remaining to buy additional items. If, on the other hand, the Max. Amount is smaller than the running total, the Total text label is replaced with Short and the amount of money needed to buy all found items is displayed. If no amount is written in the Max. Amount, then a simple running total is displayed, of all the found items in the current folder. It is assumed that if an item is not found, you're not going to pay for it.


Column Headers

The columns header show what kind of information is displayed in that column. You can change the content of a column and/or its width by tapping on the header you want to change. A small dialog like the following one should appear:

If you tap the Info to display popup menu, you will have the list of all possible information you can display.

The Store, Section, Aisle, Product, Brand and the Price are straithforward. The Aisle Occurencee is the relative rank of the item in its aisle. The Qty & Fmt is an string that is dependent on the item's format. If the buying format is the same than the selling format, only the buying quantity will be shown. However, if the item is sold as a package made of a certain number of units, then the string displayed will be something like 1.0 X 12 pkg, meaning 1 package of 12 units. Or it could be 1.0 x 32.8 oz, which would mean that the item is sold in container of 32.8 ounces, and you decided to buy 1 unit of this item. The Tax will be determined based on the buying price of the item multiplied by the tax rate you entered for this item. The Price + tax is the buying price plus the amount of tax, as defined by the tax rate you entered for this item.


Column Width

You can change the column width by writing any number or by selecting from the popup. The width is in pixel. If you put a value too large for a column, there might be columns on the right that will disapear off the edge of the screen. You need to reduce the width of a preceding column to get back the disapeared columns.


The Item List

The items shown are those that are in the current folder, that satisfy the show criteria selected in the Show popup. There is a checkbox on the left of each item that lets you select this item for manipulation from the Filing popup menu and the Routing popup menu . Immediately following the item checkbox is the Found flag. This flag is represented by 2 icons. If the item has been found, a little cart with a checkmark on it will be displayed . If the item hasn't been found, an interrogation mark is displayed . To change the found flag, tap the icon. If the Show popup shows only items that are not found, tapping the icon to change the flag will remove the item from the list. It is not deleted, it's just hidden. You will see later that you can use the Show popup menu to show all items, regardless of their found flag.

To modify an item in the Default view, tap the item. To scroll the list, use the scrolling button at the bottom of the screen .

The Show popup menu

This popup allows you to select which items will be displayed in the list. You can select all items, only those that have been found, or the items that haven't been found. This last option is very useful because it removes any item from the list as soon as you change its found flag from not found to found. Alternatively, you can also show only the items that have been found.


The Sort popup menu

This lets you select the order of the item in the list. The by product name option is very handy when you're looking for a specific product. The by Store/Section/Aisle/Occ. is probably the most useful because it will sort the items in the order you will find them in the store, proven that you have properly set the required attributes. The first criteria is the store name. The second is the Store Occurence value that was defined for the section, in the section editor. It is not the name of the section, but really the numeric value you did assign to the section using the Store Occurence. The Aisle is the numeric value of the aisle where the item can be found, within the section. Finally, the Occ. is the Aisle Occurence that you set in the default view and represent the order or relative location of this item in the aisle. Since many products can be in a single aisle, it was necessary to have an additional attribute to further determine the sort order. The last option by Store/Aisle/Section/Occ. is basically the same than the previous option, except that it assumes that the store has large aisles in which you have sections. It's not usually used, but is there for your convenience, should you want to classify your items slightly different from the logical classification.


The New button

The New button will switch the displayed view to the Default one and will create a brand new item.


The All button

The All button is a convenience to select all items displayed at once.


The Filing popup menu

The Filling popup menu will let you file the selected items in the folder of your choice. Refer to your Newton documentation for further explanation on how to file an item.


The Routing popup menu

This is the standard routing menu, except for the added option called Item Found. This option will flag all selected items in the list, or displayed in the Default view. The option will be labeled Item Found if the first item in the selection is currently not found. Alternatively, the option will be labeled Item Not Found if the first selected item is currently found. So, you need to be careful about the state of the first selected item.


The preferences menu will be discussed in another page.

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