Part 3 of 6
Paper adds a piece of stationery to the built in NotePad, allowing you to create notes on
graph paper, as well as the three built in types (Note, Checklist, Outline.) You can
choose whichever line spacing you wish from 1/16 inch up to and including 1 inch. 30 day
shareware. Credit: Stand Alone Software.
HnewTML 2.0 - HnewTML is a helper application for
Steve Weyer and Greg Simon's NewtsCape which lets you create Newton Books on the Newton
from HTML-formatted text. HnewTML allows you to easily HTML format text on the Newton's
Notepad. HnewTML can be used alone to format HTML text that can then be sent via email to
your pc or Mac in order to create web pages.This release updates HnewTML to be compatible
with the current version of NewtsCape. Version 2.00 is now 2.x compatible. It replaces the
oversized palette with a button on the Notepad's status bar, adds some new tags and cleans
up a few bugs. Version 2.00 fixes some formatting problems, and allows for a JavaScript
plug-in which will allow you to format JavaScript on your NewtonŽ MessagePad in the same
way. Version 1.01 of HnewTML is still available for those wishing to use HnewTML on 1.3
NOS versioned MessagePads.
HomePageInfo adds another field to the Names
application, allowing users to enter URLS with contact information. Credit: Marcel
Strittmatter of Dinoware.
HTMLbtn - HTMLbtn is a small auto-part (it doesn't show up in your
Extras Drawer) that makes using HnewTML 1.00 easier and more efficient. HTMLbtn installs
two new buttons on your Notepad's status bar. One button labelled "H" will
launch HnewTML from your Extras drawer and pop open the HTML picker. The second button
will launch HnewTML and automatically send the active note to NewtsCape for imaging. What
does this mean? You can more efficiently use the real-estate of your Notepad for creating
HTML code, as well as reducing the number of keystrokes you need to use HnewTML and
handwriting recognition in NewtWorks. Freeware. Credit: Stand Alone Software.
Inker 1.1 - Inker is a Newton App which lets you change the size of the
drawing ink quickly. When Inker is running, a small floating window pops up and you can
position it anywhere you like it. To change the ink size just click on size button and
select 1-4. 1 is the smallest size and 4 the largest. It is very useful when drawing.
Inker 1.1 differs from 0.9b in that the floating palette is smaller and more graphical.
InsuranceInfo adds another field to the Names
application, allowing users to enter insurance numbers with contact information.
Credit: Marcel Strittmatter of Dinoware.
This file contains a set of four auto-parts that I wrote for my own use
with the Notepad. Bullet List Button is a fancy bullet list generator that lets you choose
between several bullet styles and lets you indent. Otherkey is a simplified alphanumeric
keyboard that replaces the built-in version but allows you get to the original keyboard or
Graffiti when you need it. SelectAll is a set of two actions that are added to the Notepad
action button. One menu item, Select All, lets you select all of the text in the note
(even if it is longer than the screen) and Paste, lets you paste any object to the note
even if it is bigger than the screen. Timestamper lets you change the timestamp of the
note to the current date and time.
Longer 1.1- Longer lets you view and edit long text notes without some
of the Notepad's inconveniences. It was inspired in part by the Graffiti Scratchpad.
Basically Longer gives you scrolling capacity and avoids the Notepad's limits on the
length of text. You can import notes from the Notepad and export back. You can also save
your work into Longer's own soup. Finally, Longer can copy the text contained in a
Paperback package. Although Longer scrolls more slowly than a Paperback package does, and
Longer text should probably be no more than 20k, Longer provides similar capabilities -
including "Find" - and in Longer you can modify the text.
mailing labels from your names file, choose label type and even edit dimensions. 30 day
shareware. Credit: Stand Alone Software.
MoreInfo is a powerful application which
seamlessly extends the Newton's built-in applications making the Newton a true contact
manager. MoreInfo adds these features in such a way that when using it, you will not know
where the built-in features end and MoreInfo begins. MoreInfo has been designed to
anticipate your every move and provide you with the vital information you need to manage
your numerous contacts and busy schedule. This product also takes advantage of Macintalk!
Macintalk is NOT available from the developers of More Info. The latest version
includes compatibility with PelicanWare's Notion 2.0. See Readme for program
details. Credit: SilverWare.
Fixer goes through and checks your Names file for any possible instances of corrupted
data. It will fix these instances, and then remove itself from your Newton. Freeware.
Credit: Stand Alone Software.
NDcrypt 2.0 light - allows you to make Notes from
the Notes app 1. UnReadable / Readable or 2. Encrypted / Decrypted. NDcrypt 2.0 light is a
Newton OS 2.0 only app. NDcrypt 2.0 light will work on the Note that is at the top of the
Newton Window. This is also true in the Overview mode. If a Note is coded, you'd want to
know how it's coded. <UnRd> stands for Unreadable. <PsWd> stands for Password.
NDcrypt2.0 light is a US$15 ShareWare program.