Part 2 of 6
Expansion 1.0 - The built in word expansion is a cool idea which is
built into the Newton OS, but the process of adding new word expansions is long. Expansion
speeds this process up. Expansion also allows you to bypass the built-in 30 character
limit and create expansion phrases of unlimited length. Requires 2.0.
FolderInfo 1.0b2 - FolderInfo is an informational
Folder utility for the Newton. It was written primarily to inform users about how much
storage space is consumed by Notes, Names, and packages stored inside Global folders in
the Newton 2.0 operating system. It also allows these items to quickly be deleted on a
folder-by-folder basis and can be used in landscape mode. FREEware Enjoy!
Formit 2.0 -Mac - A system for designing, on a
Macintosh desktop (Win platform targeted 5/97), your own personal Stationery for the
Newton Notes and NewtonWorks built-in Newton applications. FormIt Notes/NewtonWorks
Stationery items appear in the 'New' button of these applications after you have
successfuly downloaded a FormIt Stationery form definition. FormIt Stationery items have
all the built-in capability of the Notes/NewtonWorks applications available to them.
Graffiti Button - All this app does is place a button in the status bar
of the notepad to bring up or close the Graffiti (tm) commercial application (if it's
installed.) I find this easier than iconifying it. NOTE - This package is in no way
officially endorsed or approved of by Palm Computing. Palm Computing and Graffiti are both
trademarks of Palm Computing. Please report all bugs, comments, or requests to the author.
GraffitiPatch 1.6 - GraffitiPatch is a small (approximately 8k of
storage and 1k of heap) patch for the Newton family of products that implements a number
of enhancements related to Graffiti by Palm Computing. It allows quick access to Graffiti
from the standard Newton keyboard and enhances Graffiti, allowing you to shrink the
Graffiti window and/or drag it partially off-screen, giving you much more flexibility in
placement. Shareware, $10. ICS has no connection whatsoever with the Palm Computing,
publisher of Graffiti. This package was not commissioned by, nor is it endorsed by said
publisher. It has been tested with the version (1.01).
GraffitiPlacement - GraffitiPlacement is an "autopart" that
sets up the Newton to work with Graffiti the way I want it to. If you like it use it; if
not lose it. Specifically, GraffitiPlacement does the following - Tapping the word
"Names" under the Names button opens or closes Graffiti. Sets the default
position for Graffiti to the bottom left of the screen; Shrinks the Graffiti view itself a
bit; Sets the default position for the Graffiti "icon" to the bottom center;
Shrinks the Graffiti "icon" a lot; and Sets the default position for the
"Find" and "Assist" boxes to the top of the screen instead of the
bottom. GraffitiPlacement must be installed after Graffiti. If Graffiti is installed on
the card, so must GraffitiPlacement be.
GrafMod - GrafMod is an application for replacing the built-in alpha
keyboard with Graffiti. Double-tapping in the notepad or a text field will bring up
Graffiti. GrafMod also sends the floating Graffiti button off the screen so it doesn't
obscure other objects (it doesn't matter where I put the button it is always in the way).
GrafMod has no options, it prevents access to the normal alpha keyboard, and you can't
access Graffiti when you double-tap in a date, time, number or phone field (the floating
button is gone).