Part 1 of 6
Address Access 2.11 is an easier alternative to
access your Names - it's faster and offers a wide range of organizational tools, as well
as built in compatibility with other organizers like StandAlone's personURL as well as
DateMan and MoreInfo. Credit: Thorsten Lange.
Area Code Change allows Newton users to easily
update their Names data with new codes, in one step. Area Code Change includes major
interface and functionality improvements. Users can now search and replace area codes!
Credit: Adam Tow, Foundation Systems.
Assist Todos 1.0 - Using the Assist feature of the Newton is a great
time saver except when Assist takes longer to figure out what to do with the phrase than
it would take for you to enter it yourself. Assist Todos makes using Assist with todo fun
again. No more waiting for Assist to process a phrase, to tell you it can't interpret the
phrase, or that the phrase is too long. Features faster way to enter todos with Assist
Unlimited length of phrase can be used with Assist. Todos are saved right to your To Do
List so you don't have to go thru the process of opening Dates and create a new To Do
slip. IGOR aware. Price $10.00
Backdrop Plus 1.2 - is an alternative to the NotePad as the backdrop, or
background, application for the Newton. With the NotePad closed, you save as much as 10k
in heap (similar to RAM on a desktop machine.) This means that you can have more
extensions and applications loaded at once, and you will get fewer memory-related problems
and restarts. Each loaded application or extension takes up a small amount of heap. Since
the NotePad is not used all the time, closing it when not used means there's more heap
available the rest of the time. You should usually try to keep your heap above 35-40k
after a restart (it will drop lower as you use your Newton. This is normal.).
Notes raises the built in limit on NotePad notes to 32k, provided the heap space is
available. Freeware. Credit: Stand Alone Software.
Brevity Rotate - KrisN1@aol.com, Primordial
Software. Requires Newton 2.0. Brevity Rotate is an extension that puts a rotate button in
the status bar of the Notepad.
Creator allows you to create your own card types for the Names File of your Newton. You
can use different fonts, sizes, and drawing tools. 30 day shareware. Credit: Stand Alone
Corrector+ improves the accuracy of handwriting recognition. We can't
always write according to the preferences of Newton's printed recognizer (i.e separating
characters). We can't help but connect two or more characters every now and then ... it's
habit for most of us after all! Unfortunately, Newton doesn't take well to these connected
characters. So, if you want to see how Corrector+ can increase HWR accuracy on your
Newton, try this free 45-day demo version of Corrector+. Credit: Adam Tow, Foundation
EndBack 1.0 - End n' Back is a small Newton utility that installs itself
in the NotePad application. Its purpose is provide a fast way to go to the last note in
the Notepad's paper roll. It also provides a way to go back to the note you were at prior
to going to the end. After installing the app, Two new buttons will appear in the button
bar of the Notepad application. Pressing the "End" button (down arrow) positions
you at the end of the paper roll. Pressing the "Back" button (curving up arrow)
positions you at the note you were at prior to pressing the "End" button. That's
Pack includes Stand Alone's Font Pack Volume I (v1.2) and Volume II with Styles Pack
(v1.0). Add new fonts, styles, and sizes to your Newton. Font Pack Volume I includes
Avante, Bookman, Boston, Courier, Funky, Garamond, Helvetica, Jagged, Machine, RoundAbout,
Schoolbook, and Typewriter. Volume II includes BookMan, Chancery, Dingbats, Helvetica
Narrow, Palatino, and Symbol. Styles (included in Volume II) lets you choose a size
between 6 and 72 point and also adds new styles, including Outline, Superscript,
Subscript, and Italic. 30 day shareware. Credit: Stand Alone Software.
FormIt is a system for designing, personal Stationery on your Macintosh desktop for use
with Newton Notes and NewtonWorks built-in Newton applications. The re-release signals CHS
System's farewell to Newton development, but FormIt will be supported until the end of
1998. This new 30 day demo release offers a ten Newton license for FormIt for the final
clearance price of $19.95, a significant price reduction. For FormIt support or
registration information email cheimark@bellatlantic.net. FormIt works with all Newtons
based on the Newton Operating System 2.0 and above. This includes the following Newton
hardware: MP120 w/NOS 2.0, MP130, MP2000, MP2100 and the eMate300. Credit: CHS Systems.